Today, the Prime Minister inspected a new tunnel between Oz and Bergen.
It is valued at over 9 billion kroner, and the project will be completed next year.
– This is a big project to solve one of Bergen’s biggest traffic problems, says Erna Solberg (H).
Now the Conservative prime minister fears what will happen to similar road investments if the red-green wins the September election.
– Solberg says big, important projects will be halted and we don’t know what the outcome will be.
New projects can provide 7400 new jobs
The National Transport Plan (NTP) with a total budget of NOK 1200 billion was approved by Storting this summer.
This investment could provide about 7,400 new jobs over the next twelve years. Shows a report prepared by Samfunsconomisk Analysis on behalf of the Conservatives.
The new road between Bergen and Oz will reduce driving time from 30 to 17 minutes.
Photo: Evind Molde / NRK
Major road projects not only lead to safer and simpler roads for people – it also creates economic ripple effects, says Solberg.
– There are a lot of workplace activities associated with a large investment in roads, he says.
Fear of construction halt
At the same time, Solberg shoots towards red-greens, hoping he can introduce a possible construction stop.
– SV wants to build smaller roads and have fewer big plans. This has a lot to say to the growth and spending improvements in Western Norway. Solberg says if MDGs are empowered, they will not build big roads in the future.
Transportation is an important issue in the Conservative election campaign. Soulberg is at the start of the election campaign for Bergen Hague with former mayor Trudeau Treveland.
Photo: Evind Molde / NRK
SV party leader Adun Lisbokan thinks the government is prioritizing mistakes in the current transport policy. If the SV comes to power, they will want Hordfast, the boat-free E39, for the rest of their lives.
What Erna Solberg is doing by praising Hartpost is putting other projects at risk.
Have safe district roads
Lysbagen believes it is important to protect landslide-prone roads across the country, such as the road between Arna and Vos.
He would move money from motorways to railroads and better roads in the Liesbacen counties.
Photo: Alem Jepik / NRK
– It is very important to have a transport policy that prioritizes what is most important to us. This is the environment and safety. We want safer four-day roads in the districts, more railway investment and public transport in the cities and towns of Lisbon.
– As the Conservatives want, instead of the more expensive and anti-environmental motor way of building big roads to big cities, he adds.
– Government that puts jobs at risk
– It is true that we want to park highways within cities and move money to massive investments in charging stations for trains, public transport, bike lanes and electric cars, while at the same time we propose to the government rather than safely race. And to improve district roads across the country, MDG party leader Une Pastol responds.
According to Pastolin, green change and massive rail construction will create jobs.
– Thousands of oil jobs will disappear in the coming years, but the government has no plans on how to change these. So Postolm writes that the government itself is putting jobs at risk.
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