They were goat breeders for the rest of their adult lives. This summer is considered the worst. Don Vaughn (62) and Arne Agnes (63) wandered the mountains in Snasa for countless hours and days as they realized a bear had torn their sheep. It started in June.
– Our animals have a radio bell around their necks that warn them on mobile phones when they lie for long periods of time, Arne explains, who has been traveling on land that has been impassable for two months. And he found what he feared.
Bear supports fat: Sheep breeders have seen many, many sheep eat the most fatty parts of the body. Photo: Tone Våg
– Look here, this is a well-developed lamb. Arne and Tone show us many corpses around the dense forest.
Sometimes they have to shoot the sheep, it is eaten but remains alive.
Arne is particularly tired after all the painful walks. He can hardly speak.
– Starts enough now, the file is full. The experienced goat breeder walks away from us.
– When my husband starts to cry ….. yes it says, tone says, now we have broken conditions. The worst thing is that the authorities do not know if there is any understanding.
Nine times they have applied for a cutting permit. They have received many rejections.
Then must be protected
The bear in Snåsafjellene was filmed by a camera camera. “We’m talking about a woman,” says Anne Sunted Tangan, climate director of the state executive of Trondock.
The population target for brown bears has reached six, i.e. Central Norway. All three minors were found to be necessary to protect the population.
First did not say: the state administration gave nine denials to the farmers. According to Climate Director Anne Sunded Tankan, it is essential to protect the tanks. Photo: Stein Roar Light / TV2
– Why can’t the administration grant cutting permission when the population target in the region is reached?
This is because females are more important for breeding, and this will be important for bear populations in the future. We have received clear guidance from both the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Ministry of Climate and Environment, explaining how important this is.
But, this is going to change over time. After TV2 follows the climbing sheep farmers, new answers are coming.
Bear in grazing priority area
– We have now found and documented the slaughter of 25 sheep in our flock alone. Another grazing group has calculated the same number, so we must be sure that this bear captured 50 individuals.
Arn and Tone are looking for more using their mobile phones. Along the way, they encounter bear body traces. Heaps of feces here and there. Once Arne was walking straight on it. He only had a few seconds to look back. She slipped away from him in the dense forest.
Game on Game Camera: Pinna in Snasa was caught on a camera camera. Grazing groups believe he was given 50 to 60 sheep. Photo: Game Camera
– We do not oppose the presence of brown bears in the wild, we should give preference to bears in breeding areas, which is a Pasture priority area.
The couple did not understand why the authorities repeatedly refused permits to cut their permits. They believe this is contrary to the predatory solution.
– We can’t continue to accept the situation, says Tone seriously.
She has little time to pray.
The officers return
After the TV2 team left the mountains, Don and Arne found several killed animals. They decide to submit the tenth application for a trap.
The Go through.
Discovered by Radio Bell: On the neck, the goat has a radio bell that warns when the animal has been lifeless for some time. Photo: Tone Våg
– When you said in an interview with us that it is important to protect a woman in order to reproduce, why do you give permission for cutting?
– We follow the situation closely, explains Anne Sundat Tangan in the State Administrator, and now when we see that it has increased rather than decreased, we decided to give permission.
– In addition, by providing support, other measures such as providing an opportunity for earlier reductions have been attempted, but they will not accept this, says Sanded Tangan.
Goat breeders were relieved, but at the same time were convinced that the media pressure had helped to determine a certain extent.
– We have approached both the media and politicians because we think these are all durable, Tone explains.
Understanding the denials: There are so many women in the country after 2009, so the farmers do not understand the argument of the authorities. Photo: Stein Roar Light / TV2
The climate director of the state executive did not accept that the pressure of the media management would change their decision. She maintains that the number of lost animals changed the situation.
– Tone comments that if they had listened before us, many animals would have escaped suffering. She did not understand the argument that there were not so many women in the country after 2009.
Hunting from night to Saturday
The hunting team in Snasa has now received a clear signal to take the pinna. They start Saturday night according to plan.
If bear hunting takes a long time, Done Walk and Arne Agnes say over the phone that they are in the mountains to open and prepare a cabin for hunters. Their hope should no longer be lost on their flock.
“Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru.”