Fines and Police | Fine rates will increase sharply. Breaking the law is much more expensive

Fines and Police |  Fine rates will increase sharply.  Breaking the law is much more expensive

Buying a new one can cost you just as much if you get caught using the phone while driving.

Romerikes Blad: In 2019 and 2020, 18,491 and 20,480 simplified fines were issued for using a mobile phone while driving in Norway, respectively. It appears from the figures from the tax administration.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications now wants to increase people’s compliance with the ban on mobile phone use in traffic.

On Monday, the department sent out a consultation note with proposals to increase fines – and use of a mobile phone in traffic will be punished in the same way as other serious traffic offenses.

*See the full list of fine rates at the bottom of the case*

It should reflect the risk

Unlawful use of a mobile phone in traffic currently results in a fine of 6800 NOK. An already high price to pay for an innocent phone call, but the ministry now considers it necessary to increase it even more.

– An increase in the severity of the reaction in case of violation of the ban, in the form of an increase in the rate of the fine imposed, seems to be particularly relevant. In the ministry’s view, a fine of 7,450 NOK would better reflect the seriousness of the violation, compared to other traffic violations, the Ministry of Transport and Communications wrote in Consultation note.

Thus, it is proposed to raise the fine rate for illegal mobile phone use while driving to NOK 7,450.

The head of emergency police, Rohr S. ​​Larsen, says fine rates generally increase on January 1 each year, but the police themselves, before the start of 2021, recommended tougher penalties for mobile phone use.

– Prior to the annual increase on January 1 of this year, the police recommended an increase in prices precisely because we see that many people are using their cell phones incorrectly. There are an incredible number of people using their cell phones in traffic, he tells RB.

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Larsen does not have specific figures for the fines in Rumricki, but he says that police, on a Norwegian basis, so far this year have not disclosed more violations with a mobile phone than they did in the previous year.

“Whether the fact that it hasn’t increased is due to higher fines is too early to say yet, but I think when you have tougher penalties, it also affects motorists’ behavior,” he says.

It can be expensive

Suggestions for increasing fines

Driving at too high a speed when the speed limit is 60 km/h or less

  • up to 5 km / h at great speed – 850 crowns.
  • 6-10 km / ton for the castle – 2,300 crowns (today 2250 crowns).

  • 11-15 km/ton for the castle – 4150 krs (Today 4050 crowns).

  • 16-20 km/h is very fast when the speed limit is 60 km/h or less – 6000 kr (today 5850 kr).

  • 21-25 km/ton per fortress – 9,300 crowns (today 9,050 crowns).

Driving at too high a speed when the speed limit is 70 km/h or higher

  • At a speed of up to 5 km / h – 850 crowns.

  • 6-10 km / ton for the castle – 2,300 crowns (today 2250 crowns).

  • 11-15 km/ton for the castle – 3700 kr (today 3600 kr).

  • 16-20 km / ton for the castle – 5150 kr (today 5000 kr).

  • 21-25 km/ton for castle – 7000 crowns (today 6800 crowns).

  • 26-30 km / ton for the castle – 9,300 crowns (today 9,050 crowns).

  • 31–35 km/tonne fort – 11150 kr (today 10850 kr).

Driving too fast on a highway when the speed limit is 90 km/h or higher:

  • 36 km/h up to 40 km/h at great speed – 11,600 kr (today 11,300 kr)

Vehicle driving

  • When driving at a red light – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).

  • When driving too short a distance to the person in front of you – 7450 kronor (today 7250 kroner).

  • Driving in violation of a prohibited driving, a traffic embargo, a U-turn, a U-turn, a compulsory direction of travel, a compulsory lane, a compulsory roundabout, a busy traffic lane, a public transit lane, a common lane, one-way traffic, or a pedestrian street – 6000 kronor (today 5850 kr).

  • Driving in a restricted area with yellow lines, on sidewalks, on bike lanes, on bike lanes or on footpaths and bike paths – 4,550 kr (today 4,450 kr).

  • To drive in the wrong field when turning field is required – 4550 kronor (today 4450 kroner).

  • To drive on or above the yellow / white barrier line, or in the area of ​​the barrier with a solid white line – 4,550 kr (today 4,450 kr).

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  • Unlawful overtaking, on the right, in front of or directly at the intersection – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Unlawful overtaking in the event of obstruction of visibility at hilltops, curves, etc. – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Unlawful overtaking in front of a pedestrian crossing, or by not checking whether the person in front of you showed signs of overtaking. Also applies if the vehicle in the back has already started to drive – 7450 kronor (today 7250 kroner).
  • Driving in violation of the overtaking and overtaking signs for trucks 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).

Duty to give way

  • Failure to comply with duty-to-give priority signals or stop signs – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Driving in violation of the right-hand rule 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Non-compliance with the obligation to give way to pedestrians in pedestrian areas – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Failure to comply with the obligation to give way when exiting a parking lot, stop, yard, property, gas station, pedestrian street, street plaza or similar area – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Failure to comply with the obligation to give way to pedestrians or cyclists when turning over – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Snowshoeing on a public road – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).
  • Driving on a highway in terrain and a road not open to normal traffic – 7450 kr (today 7250 kr).

Turning lights and signals

  • Not giving mandatory signals – 2800 kr (2750 kr).
  • Driving without lights on – 2800 kr (2750 kr).
  • Driving with lights that have been used incorrectly 2800 kr (2750 kr).
  • Driving without enough vision 2800 kr (2750 kr).
  • Driving improperly at low beam, high beam or daytime running lights – 2800 kr (2750 kr).
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Discipline and weight restrictions

  • Driving a trim motorcycle – 6000 kr (today 5850 kr).
  • Driving without a working parking brake when the gross weight is less than 3.5 tons – 2800 kr (today 2750 kr).
  • For driving without a working break when the gross weight exceeds 3.5 tons – 5750 kr (today 5600 kr).
  • Driving on a highway or highway with a small motorcycle or vehicle that cannot drive faster than 40 km/h – 1850 kr (today 1800 kr).

Cycling and safety

  • Cycling without lights on when it’s dark – 1350 kr (today 1300 kr).
  • Cycling at the red light – 1350 kr (today 1300 kr).
  • Bicycling is prohibited against entry, prohibited for all vehicles, prohibited for cyclists and pedestrians, prohibited for small electric vehicles, on a motorway or motorway, or in an area with a ban on the use of small electric vehicles – 1350 kr (today 1300 kr).
  • Cycling or driving while using electrical equipment – 7450 kr (today 5000 kr).
  • Passengers under the age of 15 are not insured – 2500 kronor (today 2450 kr).

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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