Finnmark Debate, Debat | Pacific salmon is a resource to be exploited!

Finnmark Debate, Debat |  Pacific salmon is a resource to be exploited!

Pacific salmon (or humpback salmon as it is called) cannot be fought with the means at our disposal today. This means that we have to do what we can to try to prevent it from entering our waterways. We must have a comprehensive policy in this regard. This means taking Pacific salmon into the seas and estuaries. Pacific salmon can be used as a resource as food for fish before it reaches waterways and measures must be taken to achieve this in the best possible way. A committee at the Finnmark Ap made a number of suggestions for what should be done. Proposals are presented here.

Suggestion group 1. Responsibility of management and contracting

a) Responsibility for managing salmon, whether Atlantic (wild salmon) or Pacific salmon (humpback salmon), is transferred from the Ministry of Environment portfolio to the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries’ area of ​​responsibility. Responsibility for salmon stock management, after salmon has passed through areas with traps and entered rivers and waterways, may remain the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment. Pacific salmon, which spend most of their lives at sea, must be managed by the Fisheries Authority like other large fish stocks.

b) The handling of the challenge with Pacific salmon to date has been based on volunteerism, both of which provide unpredictability, and in many contexts a low degree of quality assurance, and perhaps most importantly, severe erosion of important volunteer work in associations and with their tenants . It is therefore proposed to create a government compensation scheme for river tenants associated with sorting and processing humpback salmon, giving an increased opportunity to employ labor for this business.

c) State authorities should build expertise on Pacific salmon in their regional offices in East Finnmark. This is to be able to make professionally grounded decisions that are close to challenging. This applies to both the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries and Food Inspection and the Director of State. It is in challenging areas that solutions are best developed and decided upon, not in central head offices.

Suggestion group 2 sea salmon fishing

a) Experimental fisheries will be introduced for 2023, reducing the size of wedge nets and pilot nets to 12-14 omfers (45-52 mm) in order to catch more Pacific salmon suitable for food production. The authorities purchase 20 complete fishing systems (fishing nets and guide nets) of wedge-type nets with different net sizes from 45 mm to 52 mm. Distributed to selected marine salmon fishermen who receive close follow-up and reporting obligations. These fishermen are given the opportunity to fish constantly in their fjord systems from the time Pacific salmon reach the coast until the management closes the fishery. This should be done in order to obtain a knowledge base of the differences in current fishing with wedge nets and new fishing with smaller net sizes in terms of quality and efficiency of Pacific salmon fishing. Those selected must be registered as sea salmon fishermen (license holders) and earn income from it. Established marine salmon fishermen on both private and FeFO lands are being given the opportunity to apply to participate in the project and 20 spots are distributed along the entire Finnmark coast.

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b) For 2023, continuous trawling will be introduced when Pacific salmon arrive in fjord systems from mid-July until no observed schools of salmon have been reported. It requires an individual assessment of each individual fjord system.

c) For 2023, requirements for Atlantic salmon storage were introduced in accordance with current regulations during conservation weekends and from the scheduled date in July until the closure of Pacific salmon fishing.

d) The previous three proposals are also applicable in municipalities where salmon fishing is currently closed due to the protection of the Tanavas Scheme. 2023 will be a test year and it is important to get knowledge from the entire coast. In these municipalities, the requirements for the reintroduction of all types of Atlantic salmon apply.

e) As a special measure to protect Tanala salmon, a system with Landnet (caste net) that was used by marine salmon fishermen in this area will be tested in 2023.

f) Arrangements should be made for the development of new and adapted fishing methods for catching salmon in the Pacific Ocean by marine salmon fishers. This includes, among other things, funding, facilitation and exemptions from current regulations for research and development projects with this being the primary objective.

Suggestion group 3 fishing in the sea

a) A limited fisheries trial with nets (floating nets) and small nets is underway for 2023. The nets are a relatively reasonable investment, and these nets can be used in any coastal shark equipped with a net. The possibility of catching salmon with drift nets is great, and daily catches of several tons are normal in the Pacific Ocean (Alaska) for coastal sharks 9-12 meters in height. It is not unrealistic to be able to catch several thousand salmon with an efficient fleet of sharks. Challenges with this catch are possible bycatch, for example. Atlantic salmon, sea trout and char. However, experience indicates that in the case of large deposits of salmon in the Pacific Ocean, other anomalies will move away, and the chance of getting a lot of bycatch is considered small. Release bycatch is used where possible. Funds are allocated to equip up to 10 ships for this. The use of drones is a good tool for finding the largest accumulation of fish. Drones must be included in the pilot hunt.

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b) Sufficient funds are allocated to ensure that research environments are funded for their projects. NIBIO-Svanvik should be the natural partner for this entire scheme. It is incorporated in Eastern Finnmark and is involved in national and regional networks.

Suggestion Group 4 Raw material trapping, trafficking and industrial exploitation

a) A separate business fund (managed by Innovation Norway) of 30 million will be created to stimulate businesses to work actively with:

– Develop new technologies and solutions for efficient catching and sorting of humpback salmon. Monday
Need suitable deep water traps, robotic traps, and artificial traps
intelligence. This is in addition to hand traps for small and medium-sized rivers.
– Explore and exploit the market potential of humpback salmon, whether in terms of fish, roe or roe
The remaining raw materials (also from fish not suitable as food)

b) In the case of public procurement of fisheries and other solutions for sorting humpback salmon, the following shall be provided:

Supplier development and innovation through the use of innovation-friendly methods
Buying methods

Contribute to ensuring appropriate technologies through cooperation with service providers.

Quality raw materials and efficient logistics solutions related to shipping humpback salmon
The hunting area is emphasized as an element in the requirements specification.

c) The Commission supports the Raw Fish Association’s rules for buying and selling Pacific salmon. Business operators in areas with the greatest abundance of Pacific salmon should have priority in their turnover.

Suggestion group 5 technology research and development

a) Industry-focused research will be of great importance in realizing the value creation potential of humpback salmon, and therefore facilities will be established for research related to:

– Develop technology and solutions for efficient management and fishing that ensures the largest possible catch
Raw material quality.

Salmon processing methods to ensure the high quality of raw materials out of season.

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Effective handling of remaining raw materials to ensure maximum value creation.

b) There are many players developing solutions related to traps and automatic fish sorting.
Automatic sorting will be very helpful for efficient and gentle management
And take care of the quality of raw materials.

– It is critical to have an active investment in the development of solutions related to automated solutions
Sort humpback salmon. This will significantly reduce the liability of the tenant
The most delicate solution for Atlantic salmon and will be a significant contribution to
Ensure the quality of raw materials for the sorted fish.

Granting the necessary permits and exemptions to enable new technologies and solutions
Being developed and tested in conjunction with the 2023 . season

– In 2023, there should be a special focus on exploring and testing various solutions related to
Sorting, fishing and marketing of humpback salmon. It must be a goal to ensure
Technology development by actors that contribute to increasing value creation regionally/nationally.

Suggestion group 6 Tanavassdraget

The Tana River is the most important river in the world for Atlantic salmon.

Salmon fishing is very important socially, culturally and economically in both Tanadalen and Tanafjorden. Salmon is absolutely fundamental to identity and values, and the question of salmon survival is almost an existential one. For the Sami culture, salmon fishing is a cultural event. Therefore, a separate project should be implemented with its own financing, which will be clarified at the latest in connection with the 2023 state budget. The organization of the project should be added to Tana. The following must be included in the project:

Involvement of the broad population, including articulating expectations regarding what is realistically achievable with regard to harvesting Pacific salmon

New fisheries and fishing techniques must be used. It is necessary to conduct a concrete survey of resource needs and establish a bidding basis for the 2023 season. It is important that tenders are designed in a way that contributes to innovation, not just on the basis of current technology.

– Demonstrate how the normal fishing methods of local people can be used to catch humpback salmon (rod and nets in sea and rivers)

– Make Pacific salmon available as a supplier to receive and process fish locally

John Eric Pedersen, Chairman of the Committee

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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