For the Synode in Rome, the Papst 21 has a new card

For the Synode in Rome, the Papst 21 has a new card

Rome, 09/25/2023 (KAP) In the next month, I hope that this will be the first time. For more information, please contact the Konsistorium to enter the new card slot for this Intensive Spatial Pontifikat phase. 21 new pledges will continue the celebration in Petersdom in Cardinalpyrite, 18 will continue in the Under 80 and will continue until the end of the Conclave. After this tour werden mehr alswei Drittel, die an einem Conklave dürfen dürfen, appointed by Pope Francis.

Das allein ist indeed an important fact – also with the aim of dying wann auch immer anstehende Vahl seines Nachfolger. It is too soon to be so, in the 86 years since the festival ended, the structure and staff of the church have become more firmly in reform. We are here to help you find all the names in this place for your purpose.

Der eine ist der new Chief der Behörde, die worldwide for Bischofsernenungen zuständig ist. In dieser personal abteilung für Führungskräfte der katholischen Weltkirche Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet (79) prevailed. He was one of the most powerful men in the Vatican since the time of Benedict XVI. The new head of authority is Robert Prevost (68), a multilingual citizen of the world: the son of Italian and French parents, an American passport and a long career as a bishop in Peru – and also belongs to the ranks of the Catholic Church. “Latinos” who are increasingly in the Vatican ton angeben.

The other is a pure Latin one and star of the Consistory: Victor Fernández, an Argentine theologian and longtime ghostwriter for Pope Francis. The book der new der vaticanischen Glaubensbehörde erlang die Cardinalswürde nur wenge Wochen nach seinem Amtsantritt. It is quite clear that the 61-year-old Franciscus, who had been on doctrinal theological matters such as Weltoffen und Reformfreudig gilt, was now officially rector zum theologischen Vordenker im Vatikan machen.

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We will send you a message on the date of your visit to the Ceremony in Petersburg on September 30 of the year. We’ll be able to see each other more often than not. We are happy to hear from others that they share the same name as other people.

Opening of the Synod in Rome

This is a large number of cardinal files that have allergies in the past year; sie findet im Rahmen eines Wortgottesdienstes im Petersdom statt. Early in the morning of October 4, we began holding various and new Synod meetings with Pabst and others from Mitgeledern, and a one-month Synod Congress was held in the Helgen Gallery on Petersplatz.

Please contact the Konsistorium and the Language of Bischofssynode liegen drei Tage Pause. Shortly after an ecumenical prayer on the evening of September 30, about 60 cardinals will travel to Sacrofano north of Rome, where they will begin their spiritual reunion (October 1-3) with 300 other members of the synod.

We are talking about the Synode in which there is a lot of money due to the risk of loss; But the cardinals remain the main figure in the process of further church reform. Manche Synod Bay monastery has been dismantled, where Prevost and Fernandez will represent one of the most senior figures in the Vatican. Andere, weil sie Vorsitzender einer Nationalen Bischofskonferenz sind; Wieder more, weil sie eigens vom papst zur Teilnahmen an dieser Synode berufen wurden. This was the case for many, such as conservative German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller (75), who married Fernández Furforganger.

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While the sixtieth round of the “Synoden Cardinal” is of long and medium duration, the könnten sich die ugrieben in this time – sofen se überhaupt zu dem kurzen Konsistorium Angereist sind – zu Gesprächsrunden untereinander in Rome treffen. The church is located in the Universal Catholic Church.

At the 4-week synod meeting, we will do nothing less than look for neuen Beratungs- und Entscheidungswegen in the church der gesamten katholischen. No one knows how controversial this debate about verlaufen werden und was Endeherauskommt. This is the light, dass es ein Marathon aus Sitzungen, Reden, Zuhören and Beten Wird. I’m so tired of this, so this Papstes wunsch, this catholic cares auf den Weg zu umfassenden Veränderungen Gemacht haben.

(Kathpress-Themenpacket mit more Meldungen und Hintergrundberichten zu den Kardinalsehebungen abrufbar under

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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