Four new and bleak climate records in 2021 – VG

Four new and bleak climate records in 2021 – VG
MELTS: An image of icebergs floating in the ocean around Greenland during a NASA study of melting glaciers on the world’s largest island in 2021.

Never before has the sea been warmer or rising faster, and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have continued to rise to new records, according to the United Nations Meteorological Organization.


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said during a presentation the report.

He completed:

Fossil fuels are a dead end, both for the environment and for the economy. The war in Ukraine and its immediate impact on energy prices is another wake-up call. The only sustainable future is renewable.

In the latest report from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on the state of the global climate, they state that the ocean has never been warmer, is rising at a record pace, and has never been higher. acidification And that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached another record level.

Robert’s warning: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The report is published annually and covers the previous year, and this year is for records set in 2021.

WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said the climate is changing right before our eyes.

according to the organization This is another sign that human activity is leading to changes on a global scale, whether on land, in the oceans or in the atmosphere – with devastating and far-reaching consequences for sustainable development and ecosystems.

In addition, the report says that the average temperature on the planet in 2021 was among the warmest measured, despite the cooling effect of the weather phenomenon. La Niña.

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– It’s only a matter of time before we see another warm public target, continued Talas.

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the heat captured by man-made greenhouse gases will warm the planet for generations to come.

The organization says that as sea levels rise, ocean warming and acidification will continue for hundreds of years, unless ways are found to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Wednesday, the same day the report was issued, Climate activists boycotted the parliament question time.

– We have a message for you. “We have two to three years to turn the ship around and give ourselves a chance to meet the climate goals,” one activist from the show shouted.

Action taken: Climate activist websites for Extinction Rebellion began operating inside Parliament House on Wednesday.

Some of the main findings of the report:

The world’s oceans absorb more than 90 percent of the heat taken up by greenhouse gases, and last year the oceans were warmer than ever before. The report also shows that heat is penetrating deeper and deeper into the oceans.

In 2021, large parts of the world’s oceans experienced at least one strong sea heat wave.

The oceans have reached a new record level of acidification, as a result of the oceans absorbing about 23 percent of annual carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. This is measured by the pH value and according to the United Nations Climate Panel, it is very likely that the pH value in the world’s oceans was the lowest in at least 26,000 years.

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According to the organization, ocean acidification threatens living organisms and ecosystems, and thus food security, tourism and coastal protection.

Between 2013 and 2021, sea levels rose at record speeds, and sea levels reached a new peak in 2021. In the past eight years, sea levels have risen by 4.5 mm each year, which is more than twice the speed of the previous eight years. The main reason is the accelerated loss of ice from the ice sheet.

According to the report, this has severe consequences for hundreds of millions of people who live along the coast and increases vulnerability to tropical cyclones.

  • Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Never before has there been such a high concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The concentration is measured in parts per million (parts per million) – the concentration reached globally at 413.2 parts per million in 2020. This is 49 percent higher than in pre-industrial time.

  • global average temperature

The average global temperature in 2021 was 1.1 degrees (plus or minus 0.13 degrees) higher than the temperature in pre-industrial times, but it was also among the seven warmest years ever measured, despite the phenomenon cold La Niña.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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