Fraud, police | Solgan was called by the “police”: – You become insecure about everything and everyone

Fraud, police |  Solgan was called by the “police”: – You become insecure about everything and everyone

– In the beginning I got five. If I didn’t know much about fraud and read a lot about it, they would have cheated me all the way.

Says Solkun Ayde.

Earlier in July, a Bergen resident fell victim to a new scam spreading across the country, where fraudsters pretend to be police, according to Eide, to be credible.

Recently the police went out and warned the public about scam attempts.

“Police Officer”: – You have been deceived

One Monday afternoon in early July, Ede was called by a Norwegian man from a Norwegian number. That number, later revealed in the conversation, is that of the Mitre-Caldal police district.

The person introduces himself as the police, including his name and service number.

– I had palpitations and was anxious, she describes.

Asked what the case was, the only response was “I’ll get to it.”

Ede describes the man as calm and composed, and says he appeared empathetic.

The “police officer” informs Eide that his bank has reported to the police that someone tried to get a NOK 70,000 consumer loan in his name. In this connection, man asks a long series of questions.

It is also strictly stated that you should not log into the bank.

– My bank account is blocked and I definitely don’t need to login with BankID. I had to be careful, I was told, Ede says.

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asked about All date of birth

At this point, Ede still doesn’t realize it’s all about fraud. After all, the man is calling from the police number, she thinks.

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The conversation goes on for a long time, but eventually there are little drops that fuel Ede’s suspicions.

Meanwhile, the “police officer” says he works in an office in Oslo, Greenland, and that the mobile number belongs to the Mittre-Kaldal police district.

– But when he was about to take the identity check, I felt something was wrong, she says, and explained:

– He asked me my name and verified that I live at this and that address. He asked for my date of birth, which I gave, but he asked All date of birth.

Ede was not interested in giving out his social security number. She was told the process would take a long time.

– but then I got a bad feeling and hung up.

– We need the police to be more trustworthy

Although Eide was aware of the fraud and was familiar with many of the methods used, she came close to being cheated.

– When they called from the police number it convinced me for a while that the person was Norwegian.

She wonders if it’s possible for fraudsters to “hack” a police phone number.

– I knew that scammers can call from other people’s numbers, but I thought then that they can’t call from police numbers.

– What to do with faith in the police?

– We need the police to be more trustworthy. When this happens you get a certain anxiety about many things and you become insecure about everything and everyone, she adds:

– You lose faith that something is certain.

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– Fraud has become a social problem

The incident is one of several fraudulent attempts to use police numbers in recent times.

Rune Skjold, Head of the Division for Finance and Special Law at the Oslo Police District, writes to Netavision that fraudsters are constantly reinventing themselves.

– We see fraudsters operating more professionally and using more sophisticated methods than ever before. The scale of fraud is alarming and fraud has become a social problem.

Skjold did not respond to Netavision’s question about how such investigations would affect trust in the police.

Police insisted Websites Do not give sensitive information over the phone to anyone who asks.

– If you are in doubt, end the conversation and contact through the company’s official channels, they write.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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