Frogner’s listed church gets £2m worth of solar panels

Frogner’s listed church gets £2m worth of solar panels

The scaffold houses the listed church of Frogner in Rumric. Old ceiling tiles are picked up.

New roof tiles come now – with solar panels.

“It’s very similar to the old cells, especially when we get the beautiful solar cell up here,” says the churchwarden of the Lillestrom Church Joint Council, Peter Stroman.

Solar cells in Frogner Church

Against the sky: Solar panels replace tiles on the roof of the old Frogner Church in Romerik.

Photo: Rolf Peter Oleisen/NRK

Today, ceiling tiles are forty years old. Its total weight is 22 tons.

The cost of replacing it is approximately two million kroner.

But it pays off in the long run. The purchasing power bill will be much lower.

– They will produce approximately 14,700 kilowatt-hours per year on average. It will cover roughly two-thirds of our energy needs, Stroman says of solar cells.

With the price of electricity last year reaching NOK 3, they will then save NOK 44,000. In addition, the church will have heat pumps, so the savings will be higher, Stroman says.

Require more people to think about saving energy

The National Monuments Authority approved the application submitted by the Lillestrom Joint Church Council.

Earlier this year, they came up with guidelines for solar energy in listed buildings.

-We have an exciting, important and valuable cultural heritage and we want to improve energy efficiency. It can go well if you’re creative and find good solutions, says national archaeologist Hanna Jeeran.

National Monument Hanna Jeeran

Correct: Rexantikvar Hanna Geran believes that more churches will follow Frogner’s example and have rooftop solar cells.

Photo: Rolf Peter Oleisen/NRK

First church out

Frogner’s church will be the first listed church to follow the advice of the National Monuments Council.

Riksantikvarin hopes more will follow suit.

She thinks we’ll see more of this in the coming years.

– It is also important that we hope and invest in different types of products that adapt to the different churches and other cultural attractions that exist in Norway.

Solar cells in Frogner Church

They look like roof stones: these are the new solar panels being installed on the roof of the Frogner Church in Sorum in Romerik.

Photo: Rolf Peter Oleisen/NRK

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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