Galaxy S22 may be delayed – Reputation

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Galaxy S22 may be delayed

It’ll hardly come in February anyway.

In just over a week, it’s time for one of Samsung’s biggest launches of the year. The Galaxy S22 series is expected to debut on February 9, and the rumor mill has already pretty much agreed on what the next top model of something will be, including photos of it. But now it seems that even the last of the details is there, plus something that might bother you while you wait; Looks like the phones may lag a bit.

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In this case, the Galaxy S22 series will not be the first tech products to be delayed or hard to come by during the tech industry’s pandemic-induced supply crunch.

According to technology analyst Jon Prosser, the market launch date is split in two for the three products in the S22 series. If his info is correct, the absolute top model, the Galaxy S22 Ultra, will be available for regular sale on February 25th. The Galaxy S22 and S22+ won’t appear in stores until a month after their launch, on March 11th.

According to Prosser, presale will begin on launch day, as planned. Thus it could be a little longer for the regular models, unlike the usual week or two from launch to release.

It doesn’t have to be a pandemic for these “joint” launches to take place. They do appear from time to time anyway, perhaps especially when there is a relatively large difference in the products launched. For example, the iPhone 8 came before the iPhone X in 2017.

Everything from sharing access to software development, or just sales strategy, can get delayed when you start with one model and leave other models hanging for a while.

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In recent weeks, everything from device images to sieve-like features and specs has leaked — as is often the case with big launches. Among those who contributed to the field was Evan Blass, who made products that had not been released for a number of years and was often very accurate in his predictions and with images released prior to the events. This time, his photos were posted before, among others Fonerina.

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It may appear that the pictures are from Samsung in Italy. They look like the classic press photos released around the launch, but with Italian engraving. It is important to remember that although everything looks quite official, it is easy to edit such images, and it is not at all certain that the content of these images will be the same that we will see on February 9, but the probability is relatively high.

In the images, we can see, for example, that Samsung appears to be claiming a full 1,750 nits screen brightness on the Galaxy S22 Ultra, and it will be the brightest screen ever in a Galaxy model. In what looks like an Italian ad image, images of the Ultra model’s camera are displayed next to the words “light up the night.”

For the regular S22 versions, there should be talk of 1,300 nits of brightness, which is still a reasonably huge number, and should last a long time for use in the eventually emerging spring sun.

It also features 45W ultra-fast charging in one of the pictures. If true, Samsung is still a few steps away from Chinese competitors, which for a while have had 100- to 120-watt chargers for some of their top models. Standard S22 models also have an image indicating this speed. But rumors have it that phones are still only delivered with a USB-C cable, and without built-in (fast) charging devices.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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