Government Negotiations – Short process required

Government Negotiations – Short process required

How the annexed districts of Viken and Troms and Finmark will be dissolved is a topic of government talks between the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party.

In an explanation to the county council after the election, County Councilor Tonje Brenna said the dissolution of Wigan’s large county was complex and laborious, and that an impact assessment and consultation should be carried out.

– Therefore, it is necessary for the District Council to fully clarify and investigate the case. We need to ensure an orderly, orderly and good process. We need to make sure we have all the necessary knowledge at the table so that our democratic systems make good and well-established decisions, ”he said.

Promised deviation: On 1 October 2019, the red-green majority provided Wigan's site.  One of the promises was the dissolution of the Great District.  From left are Anne Beath Twinnerim (SP), Tonje Brenna (Labor), Christopher Robin Hawk (MDG) and Camila Sorensen Eatswald (SV).  MDG and SV left the County Council a year ago.  Photo: Perit Rold / NTP

Promised deviation: On 1 October 2019, the red-green majority provided Wigan’s site. One of the promises was the dissolution of the Great District. From left are Anne Beath Twinnerim (SP), Tonje Brenna (Labor), Christopher Robin Hawk (MDG) and Camila Sorensen Eatswald (SV). MDG and SV left the County Council a year ago. Photo: Perit Rold / NTP
See also

– Too long

According to Brenna’s plan, the county council could begin the liquidation process before Feb. 22.

This is a table, SP player Per Olaf Lundtigen from Busker is not happy. He expects the Social Democrats and the Labor Party to agree to dissolve Vikas during government talks in Hurdale, so that a dissolution committee could be set up already this fall.

– No no no. This will take more time. The issue must now be politically clarified on the government platform and then implemented. There is enough talk now, says Lundtigen with Duclat.

In a briefing for the county council, Brenna said the county council will ensure a quick assessment of the consequences of Wigen’s dissolution.

Good process

– Ensures such research process, new frontiers, implications for other things, finance, employee safety, sustainability, local democracy, problem solving and more good services to our citizens. Re-created on Wigan’s website.

Part of the report will also deal with liquidation costs. The connection is estimated to cost NOK 340 million, Dagbladet reported.

Brenna did not want to comment on the matter during government talks.

– A plot

Lundtigen rejects the need for impact assessment.

– No attack rating before merging, now we don’t need that either. The bay was cut, and now it needs to be cleaned. Lundigan says the bay will be dissolved in the 2023 election to include three districts: Buskrot, Agarshas and fstfold.

He notes that local governments can decide on the dissolution of the new government without reservation.

Since leaving the SV and MDG County Council a year ago, Wigen has been managed by the Labor Party and the Central Party. SP Vice President Anne Beath Divinrem is the County Councilor for Climate and Environment.

The County Council’s political platform says: “With a new start after the election in 2021, the County Council will submit a request to the County Council to dissolve the case.”

Late: It is too late to continue the election to form the government that wants to drive the Slackswald. Video: Dagbladet TV
See also

Effects and opportunities

Brenna said in that statement that the parliamentary election, which gave him a new majority, meant that the county council was beginning to prepare to dissolve, according to the platform. He wants to ensure a “good and thorough professional analysis of the implications and possibilities of a resolution. Ensuring good participation and close dialogue with employees and their organizations.”

About 12,000 employees at Wigan will be affected by the layoffs.

This project:

* The District Council prepares a case for dissolution through a good and thorough professional analysis of the consequences and possibilities for dissolution.

* When the basis of the professional case is clear, the County Council will make its assessment and recommend the case.

* The case is then referred to the District Council and its committees for consideration. This will happen in early January next year.

* In parallel to the consideration of the case in the Committees of the County Council, a round of consultation may be held with the municipalities and other relevant partners in Wigan.

* With this progress, the case is expected to be considered by the District Council before February 2022.

* If the County Council chooses to send an application for dissolution, the County Council will begin its own review process to contribute to the ministry’s review and create an appropriate body for work with the dissolution.

* Further process after this depends on the process at startup.

The Labor Party said in the plan: “If the compulsory districts want to change their boundaries to better solve the tasks, the Labor Party in government will negotiate with the districts to achieve this in a prudent, comprehensive manner and responsibly.”

The SP has decided to: “If the previous municipalities and / or districts wish, cancel the connections approved during the 2013-2021 starting period by referendum.”

During the election campaign, SP leader Trigway Sloxwald said the process of dissolving the “mandatory link” between Trotsky and Finmark should begin immediately. He was not sure about the process at Wigan.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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