Half a meter to the north may be fresh snow – NRK Drums and Finmark

Half a meter to the north may be fresh snow – NRK Drums and Finmark

Hug ice. Fixed, limited footprints. Snow has settled outside the Meteorological Center in Tromso.

– In the last 24 hours, there has been seven centimeters of snow, he says State Meteorologist Saralambose sarcocystis.

The same amount of snow he expects in the future. Five to ten inches of snow a day.

But the sun is shining in the north, thankfully.

Sarcositis calls the weather Regular snowy weather Here in the north is visible. At the end of April Tromsø now has 29 centimeters of snow.

In southern Norway, the double-digit number of plus degrees is in many places, and snow is not waiting.

Snow in the North: – I feel like winter

Amando Lasabuda stands at home on the driveway in Tromso and brushes snow from his car. Son ready to drive to kindergarten.

– Lots of snow today, Lazaputa laughs saying.

Slightly different from the Indonesia he comes from.

He has been working as a researcher at UiT and has been living in Norway since 2005.

– It feels like April and winter. Snowfall is high in northern Norway.

Amando Lasabuda

Amando Lazaputa and his son had to brush the snow off the car before heading to kindergarten today.

Photo: Gunner Grindstein / NRK

Snowfall is expected in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark today, tomorrow and Thursday.

In Finmark, there may even be a blizzard.

It happens at the same time Yr.no Indicates periods of sunlight in Akter and Longfella.

There may be large local variations

The good weather we experienced last week gave us a taste of spring, but the state meteorologist says it will happen.

He has no big sunshine story to tell.

– It will continue as it did in the last 24 hours. Occasionally with snow and sun.

Sarcositis says it often lasts a week.

State Meteorologist Saralambos Sarcositis

State meteorologist Saralambos Sarcosidis says snowfall is normal in April.

Photo: Gunner Grindstein / NRK

But while the weather will be slightly better this weekend, the state meteorologist is also not in favor for next week.

– I would not be surprised if there is half a meter of fresh snow in some places.

The meaning of the coming rains is that there are large local variations in snow levels.

– There will be a lot of fresh snow next week. Hooray for those who love the sport of skiing.

Significant avalanche risk on Wednesday

Risk level 2 is on Tuesday, with the Avalanche Service warning that the risk of avalanches is increasing in many places in Trams and Finmark. வர்சம்.எண்.

On Wednesday, risk level 3, significant avalanche risk increased in many places.

Snowfall in some places in Trams and Finmark leads to difficult driving.

Driving on Tuesday a Army vehicle on a rock wall On the skipot in the North Trams.

Shortly afterwards, two traffic accidents occurred in Finnsnes. Then at 13 o’clock a bus with 25 students and a teacher ended up on Nortrica Road. Fortunately no one was injured. Police are investigating the incident.

Tuesday a Traffic accident in Alta municipality.

Lace registration in 2020

In 2020, it is set Many laces.

March of that year did not record much snow in Trams and Finmark since measurements began.

20 year old lacing records Snow removal in 2020: Two in Karasjok and one in Tromso.

For those of you who are not expecting a skiing trip in April and think this is bad news, you can identify yourself at Espen Renø Svendsen.

Har was not happy about the heavy snowfall in April two years ago:

Espen Renø Svendsen clicked when he realized how much snow had fallen. A few days.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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