In a recent Tryg Forsikring survey, 53 percent responded that they dry clothes indoors on a rack rather than using a clothes dryer due to the high electricity prices.
Norway: There is nothing wrong with drying clothes indoors, and we fully understand that people try to save money as much as possible, but remember that moisture that is not ventilated properly will settle in walls, ceilings, baseboards and carpets, which can again lead to mold. If you get it at home, says Torbjørn Brandeggen, Communications Consultant at Tryg Forsikring, it will affect the indoor climate very negatively.

Expect more moisture damage
In the survey, conducted by YouGov in September, more women (58%) than men (47%) answered that they dry their clothes on the rack indoors. Geographically, the highest percentage is found in Agder at 62 percent, and the lowest in Nordland at 36 percent.
– Every year we have a number of damage cases that are rooted in moisture and mold, and we can almost expect the scope of this to increase when a lot of people say they can’t use clothes dryers anymore. At the same time, it’s been documented that a poor indoor climate can exacerbate problems in those with respiratory infections, asthma or allergies, so our recommendation is to dry clothes in a room using an exhaust fan, ensuring proper ventilation twice a day. , says Brandigen.
5 quick tips for a good indoor climate without a clothes dryer:
- It’s best to dry your clothes outside under the cover if you have the opportunity, but if you have to dry inside, you should be in a bathroom, a room with an exhaust fan, or a room with very good ventilation.
- Remove the air, preferably twice a day for 10 minutes. It is not enough to open one window, you must open windows on all sides of the house for proper ventilation. It is important to remove moisture.
- Do not turn off the heat in rooms you are not using. Then the surfaces there can get cold and create condensation with moisture, which in turn can lead to mold.
- Avoid placing large furniture directly on cold exterior walls. When cold and warm air meet, condensation can form that can eventually develop into mold.
- Sleep with the window open, or leave the bedroom door open at night. The body emits a lot of moisture when sleeping, and in this way the moisture is distributed in several rooms.
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