Half people wear masks after an infection

Half people wear masks after an infection

In a new condition Choice Fifty-five percent of those conducted by Yukov for the pharmacy responded that they would use the masks “during periods of high flu, flu and other infectious diseases,” no matter what health officials recommended.

Janrjan Olsvik, a professor of clinical microbiology and infection control at UiT, believes, for his part, that the widespread use of masks is not necessary to overcome these diseases.

Mouthbind: Irz Olswick believes it is not necessary to order sanitary napkins against diseases such as influenza.

Mouthbind: Irz Olswick believes it is not necessary to order sanitary napkins against diseases such as influenza. Photo: Niles Ole Refwick / TV2

– The application we have now is aimed at the corona virus, and is a common use of masks that I do not think would be appropriate here in Norway.

However, he says, “It’s okay to take it if there are big explosions.”

But he did not want a bandage order.

– No, I’m not saying we should do it. I believe we should be very volunteering about this, when we realize it has an effect, says the microbiologist.


The National Institutes of Public Health has also announced that we may have one “Violent Fever Season” In the store. Olswick is not particularly concerned about the consequences.

– Since it is not susceptible to many cold viruses, it is clear that many will have less protection. But I don’t see it as a big problem.

Olswick says the Yukov survey shows that the Norwegian people feel that the advice they received from health officials during corona infections was generally good.

He also stressed that word of mouth plays an important role in Norway’s defense against the corona virus.

– We laughed a little when we saw the Chinese walking around with bundles, but now we see that it actually worked.

FHI warns: More and more people are infected with the flu virus

– It is very effective in preventing infections in others. So those who are sick will have a great effect of mouthwash, but it will have less effect if you want to protect yourself from infection.


Stick Henning Petersen, executive director of the pharmacy, says he is “surprised” that half of the population is positive about continuing to use masks on their own initiative.

Like Olswick, he believes the reason is that “most people have found that there is less disease in general after the introduction of compulsory restraint.”

Fifty-two percent of respondents said they should use the mouthwash to avoid infection Second.

– We know that blowing the whistle in Japan is a way to show respect to others and to prove that you are protecting your own health. So it’s a little fun to see that Norway may also have some Japanese trends. In fact, it shows that we respect each other, and that is very positive, says Peterson.

Surprise: Stick Henning Peterson says it is unexpected that many more are positive about the bandage.  Photo: Screenshot / TV2

Surprise: Stick Henning Peterson says it is unexpected that many more are positive about the bandage. Photo: Screenshot / TV2

About 30 percent respond that they will only use masks if the authorities recommend it.

Hand alcohol

According to the survey, women are more interested in using masks to protect others, and those in the oldest group in society are more concerned with protecting themselves, Federson said.

He also emphasizes that people under the age of 20 are concerned about protecting others.

– One thing is a bandage, but hand alcohol, do you think it has come to stay?

– In this survey, we have not heard of it, but I think it can be mentioned TheAnd, it cares about prevention. I think shops and restaurants will constantly put alcohol on hand.

– Aren’t you afraid that people will be more afraid?

– No I don’t think so. We also see that society is going back to a more normal state, otherwise we would not have wanted to socialize like we did, Pederson responds.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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