Hall, Treffordn | The local film is shown on NRK: – I’m really looking forward to it, says Oyvind

Hall, Treffordn |  The local film is shown on NRK: – I’m really looking forward to it, says Oyvind

Twin brothers Sven and Olaf have worked in the woods and lived all their lives on a small farm by the fjord.

When Sven died one day, Olaf had to try to find a new way to live his life.

Øyvind Elvsborg’s film tells the story of a way of life that has almost disappeared, the sadness of survival – and finding the joy of life again.

– I am very pleased that NRK1 has chosen to show “Brødrene i skogen” in prime time on May 18th, and thus the film reaches a wide audience, he says.


The documentary is a portrait of retired Olaf. Although losing his brother is difficult, it helps that he takes on life with a sense of humor and curiosity.

The film is described as a tribute to the simple, frugal life and forgotten knowledge.

The brothers lived in harmony with nature and tried to find clever solutions with which they could reuse things.

– Magical

The director met them for the first time in 2007 at their work shack in the woods.

– It was a magical meeting, Elfsborg thought.

He began by photographing their lives, images which resulted from an exhibition at the Kistefos Museum.


But can he recreate this in a documentary? Shortly after filming began, Sven died.

Elvsborg developed a close friendship with Olaf and followed the man until he died six years later.

He works daily as a video journalist for the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv.

Kistefos Prize

Last year, Elvsborg was awarded the Kistefos Art Prize for film during the fall fair, and the jury wrote this about the award winner:

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“This year’s winner of the Kistefo Art Prize manages to combine perfectly crafted photographic skill with an understated political outburst that is up close and deeply personal.”

Also read: Kistefos Film Award for the Tyrifjorden Brothers

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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