Havard Nordtveit, Eindom | Lost shares to Håvard Nordtveit

Havard Nordtveit, Eindom |  Lost shares to Håvard Nordtveit

Footballer Håvard Nordtveit has achieved great success in football, with a career in both the English Premier League and the Bundesliga and a total of 52 caps for Norway. But financially, things have been worse, at least in the past year.

Nordtveit has made NOK 5.04 million in various investments, but the book value of the investments is now only NOK 530,000. In other words, Nordtveit lost NOK 4.5 million in investments. It contributes significantly to Howie AS's significant deficit of NOK 5.3 million for 2023.

The large deficit means Howie AS shares have a negative value of NOK seven million. This means that the company's debt is now much greater than the value of its assets recorded in the accounts

Gives loans

However, Nordtveit will continue to operate and can inject money itself in the form of interest-free loans.

“The company's capital is lost at the end of the year, but the company's shareholder (Nordtveit, editor's note) has made a secondary loan to the company in addition to the capital contribution.” However, they believe the company has the basic requirements to continue operating, partly because Nordtveit is “willing to inject the necessary funds into the company.”

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Not sold

However, Howie AS's main investment is a large apartment in Tjuvholmen, which was purchased for NOK 76 million and is therefore the most expensive apartment in Norway. Nordtveit tried to sell the house a short time later for NOK 90 million, then lowered the price to NOK 85 million, but so far there has been no sale, real estate agent Dag-Rune Kristiansen at brokerage Belèven confirmed to Nettavisen.

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Nordtveit bought the 300-square-meter apartment from well-known real estate investor Emil Eriksrød, who is now bankrupt. Eriksrud bought the apartment himself for $50 million three years ago, thus making a huge profit on the sale.

Nettavisen tried to contact Nordtveit, but was unsuccessful.

Read also: Ex-football pro must pay millions in fees for a luxury apartment

Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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