Hawila Kabella has been detained due to Russian sanctions

Hawila Kabella has been detained due to Russian sanctions

The Havila Cabella, a seaport, is stranded in Bergen due to sanctions against Russia, creating uncertainty over insurance premiums, the company said.

The passenger ship arrived in Bergen from Alessand shortly after 12 noon on Tuesday and was scheduled to sail further from Bergen to the Norwegian coast on Tuesday night.

In a stock market announcement on Tuesday night, the company announced that the ship would not be allowed to continue sailing as a result of sanctions against Russia.

– Due to uncertainty regarding insurance coverage, Havila Kistrud postponed her departure from Bergen to Havila Capella on Tuesday night. This situation has arisen as a result of the imposition of sanctions against the leasing company that financed the Havila Capella Company. Havila Kistruden has been in contact with Norwegian authorities to clarify the situation quickly. Stock market announcement.

It was Pergens Tidende Was the first to write about the case.

232 passengers

On Wednesday morning, communications manager Lasse Vangstein told NTB that the ship was still on board and that the situation was not yet clear.

– The ship is still in Bergen. We’re waiting for explanations, so we can travel north, but we still do not know when this will happen, he says Wednesday at 9 p.m.

He says there were 232 passengers on board. Wangstein says these were sleeping on the ship last night and were taken care of on board.

– Passengers receive food service and current information. We are now considering setting up some buses for them so that they can visit Bergen because they will be staying here a little longer than planned, says the communication consultant.

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– Intensive meeting activities

The ship operates the Bergen-Kirkenes coastline, where Havila Kistruden shares the tender with Hardigruton.

It is the Russian leasing company GTLK, which owns four coastal cruise ships, which have been hit by sanctions against Russia. Hawila insists they support sanctions and that they are working to refinance the ship to sever Russian ties.

Wangstein says he has been in serious contact with the authorities with Kistro in hopes of resolving the situation with Havila Capella.

– There are a number of agencies that need to work with the government and other countries to figure out how to explain sanctions. If so, we hope they have the same interpretation as us, so we can travel today as planned, says Wangstein.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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