He became a pillar of RBK’s becoming “underdogs”

He became a pillar of RBK’s becoming “underdogs”

Off the field, it is impossible to get him off the stick. He is rational in his own right and humble like few.

Erlend Dahl Reitan in hiking pants, with his daughter Ellie’s stroller in one hand and his partner Maja in the other, strolls along the sidewalk in Trondheim.

– If the boys had seen this outfit, I would have heard about it, Dahl Reitan chuckles to his roommate.

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The 25-year-old is starting his fifth season at Rosenborg.

This season he enters the game as one of the mainstays of an RBK team that has been in no way affected in the run-up to the game.

Of course, he takes it overwhelmingly calmly.

– I really think it’s going to be a good season. Externally or in the media, we are “underdogs” again and it suits us perfectly. I think it will be difficult to get to Lerkendal this year too, says Dall Reitan.

“gunpowder in the bag”

It is clear that the RBK defense team has matured in recent years.

In May last year, he became a father for the first time.

– It was a convenience in the first place. Gunpowder in the bag, Dahl Raytan smiles.

“It went well with Abi,” says Maja, his roommate, before Dahl Raytan chimed in with a smile:

Family man: Erlend Dall Reiten earned his gold from the soccer field.  Photo: Erik Paulsen/TV 2.

FAMILY MAN: Erlend Dahl Reitan earned his gold from the soccer field. Photo: Erik Paulsen/TV 2.

– We’re off to a good start there.

But before Ellie started dreaming about the ball, she actually managed to help her father get a slightly different perspective on life.

– I scored an own goal against Godust last year after giving birth. Then I came home and realized it didn’t matter much. You’re playing a bad game, but you have a daughter who’s just as fun and smitten with you anyway. He sets the record straight. Dahl Reitan says that someone might have said that football is the most important of all the unimportant things and that is probably true.

– It can’t be compared

But where Dahl Reitan hit sharply at home, Rosenborg worked a lot with loose powder in the run-up.

12 goals in nine training matches is the result for Kjetil Rekdal’s team. This gives an average goal score of 1.33 per match.

It’s not good enough in Trondelag.

Many Opinions: That there are many opinions about Rosenborg is something Erlend Dahl Reitan is well accustomed to.  Photo: Svein Ove Ekornesvåg

Many Opinions: That there are many opinions about Rosenborg is something Erlend Dahl Reitan is well accustomed to. Photo: Svein Ove Ekornesvåg

People care, people have opinions, and it hurts if you don’t perform well enough, Dahl Raytan points out, and explains:

– For example, maybe we played 1-1 against Ålesund and the relegation referee in Trondheim. Then Bodo/Glimt played 1-1 against Ålesund the following week and we haven’t heard anything about it. Molde lost to Hødd, and no one else realized that. There is a lot of interest. We just have to love it and use it for what it’s worth.

It is clear that the 25-year-old is rivals Molde and Bodo/Glimt nowhere near when it comes to attention and publicity.

– It can’t be compared to Bodo/Glimt Generator. Rosenborg is something special. Many probably get tired of hearing this, but it really is.

3-5-2 and 4-3-3

The lack of ‘fun and attacking football’, as it is called in North Dover, anyway led many people from Trondheim to call for the good old 4-3-3 formation.

For his part, Dale Reitan believes one should be careful about believing that 4-3-3 is the answer to everything.

– There are two different formations, yes, but it’s the same sport. We want to play forward-looking and entertaining football now too. Then personally I don’t think it’s very important to be in a 3-5-2 or 4-3-3. The principles are quite similar and I believe that the path we have chosen is the right one, says Dahl Reitan firmly.

The Right Way: Dahl Reitan is convinced that the course developed by Ketel Reykdahl and his colleagues is the right one.  Photo: magnus noekland/TV 2

The Right Way: Dahl Reitan is convinced that the course developed by Ketel Reykdahl and his colleagues is the right one. Photo: magnus noekland/TV 2

And maybe the monk knows what he’s talking about. He came to Rosenborg already at the age of 14 in 2012 and took part in most of it.

– We live and breathe sporting success. That we have to close the gap to Molde and help fight for the European Games again, I think we have to dare to say it. We constantly have to be on top of what we do, so we have to try for third place last year, says Dahl Reitan.

You will “mosh” Bodo/Glimt

In his years at Rosenborg, Dahl Reitan has already managed to win back league and cup gold, but it may take some time.

In recent years, he has seen old friends in Bodø, as well as arch-rivals in the City of Roses, reign supreme in Norwegian football.

wants an end to it.

– I think the whole of Trondheim is a bit asleep and waiting for her to come home again. I think it would have been really good if we could have managed it, but then I try not to think too much about it, says RBK profile.

Which team means victory to you?

– It’s the Budo/Glimt I’d like to beat, without a doubt. So this is positive. It’s a bit like when you meet people you know. Although there are fierce competitors and a team I would like to beat, I have a good relationship with both the people and the city, says Dahl Reitan, who has two spells on loan at Aspmyra.

You will shine

Moss will shine: Dale Reitan was a two-time Glimmet player. Now he is looking forward to “blending” his old acquaintances. Photo: Frederick Hagen

Molde’s wand

From the conversation on the sidewalk, it is clear that the sane Trondr, as already mentioned, is starting to warm up in his shirt.

Family man Erlind Dahl Reitan is one thing. Football player is completely different.

– I’m ready to report to the field. this is funy. And then I can stand to come back too. This is the way things should be, says Dale Reitan, before trying to say something nice about reigning champions Molde:

The nicest thing I can say about my birthday? I don’t know. That’s a lot of money, he smiles.

golden glass?  After last year's third-place finish, Dahl Raytan and his colleagues dream of the finest metal ever.  Photo: Eric Poulsen

golden glass? After last year’s third-place finish, Dahl Raytan and his colleagues dream of the finest metal ever. Photo: Eric Poulsen

He was the only RBK player to play all matches last season.

In January, he was rewarded with a new contract.

He is now tired of talking about Molde and Bodo/Glimt, and this year Tronder will do everything he can to regain dominance in Norwegian football.

– Gold means an insane amount. I really want to be part of a new era of greatness here. This is also why I chose to extend the contract this winter, according to Dahl Raytan, before adding:

– I think there are very few people from Trondheim who would want to miss the game against Vikings. I feel very confident it will be fireworks.

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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