– He went a little fast in the turns – Dagsavisen

– He went a little fast in the turns – Dagsavisen

We receive a number of inquiries about this matter. People are concerned that it should be correct when written on signs, and we completely agree with them,” says Daniel Eames, division director at the Language Council.

– Errors should be corrected as quickly as possible, when it comes to persistent notices. Eames points out that public bodies have a duty to do this.

– Too busy

Typos may make it more difficult to understand the message on the sign in question. It is a disadvantage for those who need to understand what is written there. Or “ulemepe” as Rema 1000 spells it – at least from the photo of this case.

Rema 1000 immediately makes up for the mistake, apparently by apologizing with the same gesture that it put an obstacle in its customers' way.

– What do you think about the fact that not only is the phrase “defect” written incorrectly, but the label is also hung in the Rima store in question, despite the error?

– I can imagine that this poster was produced locally and that the error was not considered important enough to make a new poster, answers Daniel Eames from the Language Council.

-Maybe that's not the case…

Pia Milby, sales and marketing director at Rema 1000, disagrees.

– Confirms: We always strive for labels to be free of typographical errors.

“But here it might have gone a little too fast in the corners,” Milby continues.

– After the BBQ season started and we launched the BBQ News, we saw a significant increase in the number of customers and thus were probably busy with our skilled staff in our stores. Perhaps these writing errors can be overlooked. We appreciate your feedback so we can correct the typo on this poster.

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“Petticoat Rain”

– Rushing is downloading work?

“We believe the need for reviewers still exists,” says Daniel Eames of the Language Council.

– There are many technologies that handle printing errors well, but not always. Sometimes technology turns rare words into something very strange, because technology doesn't recognize words.

-I read an article last year about “cold rain,” but it said “rain up the skirt” instead. Both “cooler” and “petticoat” are words, but the wrong word is used in the article.

– If we understand that it is a mistake, then maybe it is not so dangerous to make mistakes like those made by Rima 1000?

– In this case, I can't imagine that the misspelling would spread, but misspellings can affect the language, Ames answers.

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From worst to “worst”

The following example is given in this context.

– From time to time we can see that the word “worst” is written as “worst”, and this is a pure misspelling. “It would be a shame if he stayed,” Eames says.

Research at media monitoring company Retriever shows that the word “worst” has been used 23 times so far this year, in newspaper articles, press releases and the like. In the past four years, the word “worst” has been used more than 200 times in various contexts. Finansavisen is among those who went to the bar.

“It went even worse for local oil services businessman Stal Kyllingstad, who lost half a billion dollars,” the newspaper wrote in a February article.

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– We want everyone to use the Norwegian language and to use it correctly and well, says Emes.

He adds: – But when it comes to signage, the use of English words is of greater concern to us.

In case Rima 1000 or others are wondering – the word “disadvantage” in English is spelled “disadvantage”.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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