Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol takes action on the health site – NRK Trøndelag – local news, TV and radio

Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol takes action on the health site – NRK Trøndelag – local news, TV and radio

Kjerkol met with Hellas Mid-Norge management on Friday to discuss key issues.

St. in Trondheim The registration system introduced at Olav’s Hospital has met with major challenges, and St. Nine out of ten doctors in Olav believe patient safety is threatened by the registration system.

Many have pointed out that patient safety has been threatened as a result of the introduction, and last week Kerkol announced he would meet with management.

They have now taken action.

fused together

Among other things, it has been decided that Hels Mid-Norge will explore and evaluate the pooling of resources in HelsePlatformen AS and Hels Mid-Norge’s wholly-owned ICT service provider Hemit HF to strengthen capacity and expertise.

The aim is to ensure optimal utilization of resources in ongoing work with bug fixes and improvements.

– Chairman Odd Inge Mjøen tells NRK that these two competing for the best IT companies in the region are not serving us.

– involved

Health Minister Kerkol was not satisfied with the introduction of the health platform.

– I am concerned about the situation regarding the introduction of the health platform, particularly at St. Olav’s Hospital. In the present situation, the overall resources in the region are not adequately utilized in the work on the health platform. This is unfortunate and has undesirable consequences for health institutions and municipalities in central Norway.

Many staff members clearly stated that the workload had worsened, and several considered leaving St. Olav’s Hospital because of the introduction.

The minister understood the situation.

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– It is obvious that the staff load at St. Olav Hospital and Helseplatformen AS has been too high for a long time. This is a remarkable effort in a demanding period. And we are fully dependent on their efforts,” Kjerkol says in a press release.

Does not remove the health site

Due to major problems at St. Ola’s the journal system has not yet been introduced in other hospitals in the region.

Gergol says it’s not appropriate to remove the health platform.

– There is no real alternative to removing the health site. Getting a replacement system would take years and cost billions of kroner. I have billions of kroner that I don’t have and am not willing to take from patients. Risks related to patient safety are also high if new procurement processes are initiated now.

– Discussions about other systems become conjectural and unproductive. It would be irresponsible in every way. Now it’s about finding realistic solutions and clarifying roles and responsibilities, Kergol says.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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