Hell’s pain after breast surgery

Hell’s pain after breast surgery

This is how Linnea Lumley (39) sums up the past two years for the Swedish newspaper Expressen:

– disturbance.

In October 2020, Linnea Lumley, who usually lives and works in Stockholm, traveled to Clinic 34 in Gothenburg to have her old breast implants removed, which she had once inserted in her youth. But then the breasts became a bit uneven, and in March 2021 she went back to the clinic to correct that.

That’s when something went wrong.

– When I woke up after anesthesia, my left arm didn’t work. I couldn’t lift it, says Lumley, I had no feeling for it and I couldn’t put my clothes on.

Extreme Pain: The breast operation must have cost Linnea Lumley years of pain.  Photo: private

Extreme Pain: The breast operation must have cost Linnea Lumley years of pain. Photo: private
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a storm of complaints

Expressen previously wrote about surgeon Frederick Bern. In November 2021 his clinic, Klinik 34, which deals with plastic surgery and beauty treatments, was reported to Inspektionen för vård och sorgm (Ivo) (corresponding to the Norwegian state health inspection, magazine anm.) a total of 20. times. One such woman was 39-year-old Linnea Lumley.

in Interview with GP Dr. Berne previously stated that he faced Ivo’s criticism on all points.

– At each point I referred to documented science and experience and referred to references from national and international guidelines, says Berne.

It turned out that Linnea Lumley’s shoulder was out of joint after the operation.

It’s not what you expect when your implants are removed, to wake up with your shoulder out of joint, Lumley tells Dagbladet.

In 2021, Bern wrote the following in another email Express About the “Ivo case – the case of a patient who claims to have awakened with a dislocated shoulder, in which Frederick Berne and a colleague allegedly pulled the shoulder back”.

– this is not true. But no surgery is without complications, and it is always unfortunate when a patient suffers from complications. I did not fix the shoulder. However, I can confirm that we had a patient who, as far as the surgical intervention was concerned, had an impact on the shoulder. We arranged for her to receive immediate assistance, x-rays and an assessment by an orthopedic specialist

– It was on Google

– Then he googled how to put the arm in place, because he had never done that before. Then I got something soothing before the doctors put his arm back in place, says Lumley, who also wrote about the events in His Instagram profile.

Since then, she has been in excruciating pain in her shoulder, every single day. She says she was barely able to move her arm, felt no sensation in her hand, and was on sick leave for several periods.

– It got worse and I couldn’t use my arm. Every movement feels as if someone is digging a tiny knife into your biceps.

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In April 2021 Linnea Lumley reported Klinik 34 to the Care and Welfare Inspectorate (Ivo). She complained on several points, including dislocating her shoulder and putting it back “without anyone on the crew knowing how to do it”.

After she got home, she started therapy with a physical therapist, but she didn’t find it helped.

– I have been walking for 2 years with a shoulder fracture. I was in so much pain. Neither the neurologist nor the orthopedic surgeon could find this error. Not until I went to a private clinic, and found that my biceps tendon was torn.

– Did it happen when the shoulder was put in place?

– Yes, once that day he was torn to pieces.

Multiple operations: Doctors had to insert the shoulder multiple times during the peephole surgery.  Photo: private

Multiple operations: Doctors had to insert the shoulder multiple times during the peephole surgery. Photo: private
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Three operations

In the past six months, Lumley’s surgery has been performed three times. First to attach the tendon to the shoulder, and later to operate on the so-called “frozen shoulder,” which you believe arose because of the torn tendon. The last time she had surgery was in June of this year to remove a torn biceps tendon in her left arm.

– I lost part of my arm. I have no feeling in my hands and I will never get that back in my life.

If you lift a cup of coffee, it goes straight to the ground. Fortunately, she is dexterous and can still write.

Recently, it has become known that Ivo wants from Hälso- och sjukvårdens ansvarsnämnd (HSAN) (corresponding to Norway’s National Health Staff Board) Frederick Byrne’s medical license revoked.

Kinik 34 and Doctor Berne have previously received criticism from Ivo for using a dangerous amount of fat for buttock augmentation. Bern has also received criticism, in more than 20 cases, for taking pictures of women while they were under anesthesia. Byrne believes the women have approved of the photos, and the criticism has been taken out of context.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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