High energy-efficient homes can deliver huge energy savings – NRK Norway – News overview from around the country

High energy-efficient homes can deliver huge energy savings – NRK Norway – News overview from around the country

– We know about power consumption, so at least we will not try to waste it.

This is what Morten Schau, a communications manager at electricity company Elvia AS, says. NRK saw Schau outside his house, which was roughly a large house. 300 square meters, but still Shaw’s family manages to reduce electricity consumption.

He has a heat pump in the house, among other things. Shaw does not calculate exactly how much he saves on the heat pump, but says it attracts 1400 watts and delivers approximately 6000 watts of heat.

– Four times more than we put in, says Shaw.

In addition, Shaw has re-insulated the walls of the house.

– We have 20 centimeters in all the walls, and we have replaced everything from doors and windows to dense, nice windows, says Shaw.

Power consumption will increase

Kjetil Lund, director of the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy, told the NRK this week that the NVE expects a strong increase in electricity consumption in Norway over the next 20 years and perhaps 40-50 TWh (derawat). Hours).

– It’s about two things. One is climate policy, electrification is the conversion of fossil energy into electrical and renewable energy in the shelf and transport sector. Then it was about the growth of a new, greener industry; Battery factories, data centers, hydrogen production and things like that, Lund says

Kjetil Lund, Director of the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy.

Increase: The director of NVE Kjetil Lund expects power consumption to increase over the next 20 years.

Photo: Gordon Rorslet

How much is 40-50 TWh compared to what we produce today?

– Last year we set a new record for consumption of less than 140 twh. If you take it 40 TWh, that is a significant increase. Lund says we need to produce more power if we are to succeed.

But what about power saving?

– Energy We believe that there is great energy in vision. Construction can save only 10-15 twh. If we release so much power, it’s very good, because the latter and that kind of thing releases more power in the winter, which is when we use more power and prices are often higher, says Lund.

Lund says such actions will not lead to any encroachment on nature.

– So this is part of it, and we need to do more in the coming years. That alone will not suffice, but it will be the most important part to focus on, says Lund.

Can save 2-3 times on Oslo’s consumption

Nina Holk is a Senior Researcher at the SINTEF Research Institute in Sandberg. Has been researching energy efficiency in building stocks. Together with colleagues, he discovered that energy improvements such as insulation and tight windows and the use of heat pumps could provide great energy savings. Energy efficiency can take place in existing buildings, buildings that are ready for renovation, and new buildings.

The rating of Sandberg and his colleagues is higher than that of the NVE.

– If all new buildings are converted into dormant houses and all buildings that are 40-50 years old are renovated, the energy upgrades to TEK10 level can be used to maximize the use of heat pumps and save up to 23 terawatt hours. In energy efficiency, Sandberg says.

Nina Holk Sandberg

Energy renewal and heat pumps: SINTEF Nina Holk Sandberg researcher has discovered that the use of energy renewal and heat pumps can provide great energy savings.

Photo: Private

– How many 23 terawatt hours?

– Consumer consumption in Oslo is two to three times higher, says Sandberg.

– It offers lower cost and more convenience and you reduce the power peak so there will be less demand during the colder times of the year. It can also control capacity development, says Sandberg.

A building that is 20 years old, are they in the model too?

– In our model, we simulate when buildings need to be rehabilitated. Buildings built or renovated 40-50 years ago are valued as mature for renovation, says Sandberg.

Twice as big house, same consumption

Shaw’s family consumes about 30,000 kilowatts per hour.

– It’s good for such a big house, he says.

A few years ago, Shaw built an area of ​​150 square meters above the house.

– And consumption is the same as it was before we built in the 150s, because he says we did all those operations at once.

So twice the size of the house, the same consumption?

– Yes, look.

NRK asks Lund on NVE if there are other ways to save electricity after insulation.

– In other areas too, you can get a lot out of using electricity wisely. Lund says there is more and cheaper technology to control the use of electricity more efficiently.

Again, Lund emphasizes that this amount is not enough to cover all the electricity consumption we expect in the coming years.

– As a society we have some serious trade-offs to cultivate power. We can not go away from that, says Lund.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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