High levels of airborne dust in the air – NRK Drums and Finmark

High levels of airborne dust in the air – NRK Drums and Finmark

In Tromsø, there is now a large amount of aerial dust in the sky. Boarding cars take to the streets to lower levels and improve air quality.

While the broom can improve air quality, ordinary cars do the opposite.

Barbera Vögele (MDG), the head of the municipality, sits in office and asks people to get out of the car for the next few days in solidarity with people struggling with respiratory problems.

Barbera Vögele (MDG), head of the Tromsø municipality, hopes that as many people as possible will leave the car.

Photo: Sveinung sali / NRK

– All cars spin dust. Not just those with embedded tires. I think no one in town noticed the bad air quality, says Barbera Vogel (MDG).

He sits in the presidency of the municipality and asks people to leave the car for the next few days in solidarity with people struggling with respiratory problems.

– In times as bad as they are now, you need to consider whether you really need a car.

Vögele was the first to comment on this Northern Light.

Bad air quality will make the situation worse Asthma and other respiratory problems.

Strosant is the reason

Leif Harald Pedersen, manager of the urban operations unit for Tromsø municipality, points out that loose sand and embedded tires that are icy in winter are the main cause of high levels of airborne dust in the air.

Leif Harald Pedersen, manager of the urban operations unit for Tromsø municipality, points out that loose sand and embedded tires that are icy in winter are the main cause of high levels of airborne dust in the air.

Leif Harald Pedersen, unit manager for urban operations at Tromsø municipality, believes the amount of loose sand in the streets is the reason for the high level of airborne dust.

Photo: Sveinung sali / NRK

– Loose sand is the main cause of all dust nowadays, he says.

Not only in Tromso, well-paved roads in winter can lead to problems.

Hamar, Horstad, Bodo, Lorenzko, Rana and Tronheim show that the Norwegian Environment Agency’s measurement service for air quality measures moderate and high levels of airborne dust.

Tireless labor

Six specialized vehicles now operate dual shifts on Tromsø to improve air quality.

– Driver Kajel-Birker Lorensen says we can get five to six tons in an hour.

Peterson says they would have liked it if there had been more resources to pay for the roads.

– Everyone wants to spend on the road now. This is a problem, we can not be everywhere, says the unit leader.

Airborne dust is high in Tromsø

The municipality of Tromsø has six sweeps that work around the clock to reduce the amount of dust that spreads in the air.

Photo: Sveinung sali / NRK

Hope to change more tires

Although studless tires emit dust that spreads in the air, embedded tires are the worst, says Barbera Vogel.

In 2018, the President decided to introduce a program with an embedded tire network to get more people on studless winter tires. Only 100 people have used the program.

Map of air pollution in Tromsø.

The map shows areas of airborne dust in Tromso. Red indicates high, and yellow indicates moderate.

Photo: Egil Ursin / NRK

– The action is not as effective as we would like. I understand that people are nervous and do not want to switch to studless tires, but I hope many more will try this, says Vogel.

She realized that even the call to park the car was not heard by many.

– Such a call often does not work. For me it is very sad. I want people to really think about what others are expressing.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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