Honfoss, Lloyd’s | From loss to victory in a vibrant public space

Honfoss, Lloyd’s |  From loss to victory in a vibrant public space

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the author’s positions.

The session boils down to nine moments. Tronrod looks at it practically. Suggest “A subdued high-rise building on 10 floors ».

Lloyd’s is a lost cause. We are waiting for who will bear the loss, the residents or Tronrod Eindom.

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It gets meaning for generations

Tronrud et . builds “Defeated tall buildings” On the plot of land, the city is the best fit public spaces The townspeople lost it. A loss that will have significance for several generations.

For Tronrud Eiendom, the lack of a ‘weak tall building’ will result in a loss of future income. Investing in planning is always associated with risk. It does not mean that these investments are lost, but the value of the plot of land is not lost.

Modern organizations, such as Tronrud Eiendom, live between stability and change. In this perspective, a third alternative may emerge. This could represent a progression from loss to victory. I will come back to this.

Comprehensive evaluation

At some point the municipality will take a stand on Trunrud’s proposal for the development plan. In this context, the consideration and decision of the Municipal Council will be the result of a comprehensive evaluation.

Professional and political assessments will be compared against the assumptions, facts, future prospects and purpose of development that Tronrud is now proposing.

The challenge for the municipal council will be to assess what should weigh more. Development based on human values, financial losses or Tronrod profits?

Over for and against tall buildings

Hearing Lloyd’s So it’s about something much bigger than towards tall buildings.

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Tronrod’s response to people: – Unreasonable and baseless

If we look at the reader’s contributions to the local newspaper, the poll, the public meeting, and the hearing as a whole, we get a comprehensive picture of what the residents who participated in the project feel, think, and feel.

The commitment shows that the issue is about culture, local democracy, administration and municipal autonomy.

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More specifically:

  • Culture as a force for building society
  • Trust in democracy as a system of government
  • Participation of citizens and businessmen in the development of society
  • Professional independence and loyalty to technocrats
  • Management’s commitment to decisions, plans, regulations and legal provisions
  • management policy
  • The will and ability of the municipal council to exercise municipal autonomy.

System error

In short: Lloyds is characterized by system errors. Errors resulting from a different understanding of the interaction between actors. Distribution of roles, functions and responsibilities when the public, private and civilians collaborate in social development.

Looking back, we see that the process with Lloyds is characterized by a democratic deficit and an imbalance in the interaction between culture, politics, and economics.

Communication is characterized by marketing and propaganda rather than openness, facts, dialogue and the desire for real influence from civil society.

Great educational potential

There is great educational potential in this project. This applies to everyone who is part of the system that will interact in the process of such projects. Questions can be asked about why the University of Southern Norway, the Hønefoss campus, does not take up the matter from a research and development-oriented perspective.

Tronrod’s justification for the construction proposal Low rise tall building Not convincing. He did not provide an updated assessment of how he sees the situation the project faces today. The proposal does not say anything about the future assumptions and expectations underlying the dim project.

Tronrud is not expected to undesirably provide an updated needs basis for the project. But we must be able to assume that the municipality asks for an updated basis and that the consultant then puts the project in the current state in its condition and presents it to the municipal council.

great effect

It may seem that the politics of the national political symbol and parts of the local business community today have a very large impact on the activities of the municipality.

It is important that national politics do not overwhelm local politics, that politicians do not liberalize their management of development, and that the local business community itself does not set the conditions for its participation in development.

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Modified building plans for Lloyd’s Market? | Elizabeth M. Leonardsen

In this case, the result over time will be a dismantled democracy and a poor understanding of the work of politicians. The municipality may lose its identity and the citizens’ trust in the administration.

The growth and development in view of Oslo and Ringerike as a co-population of housing, work and ‘inter-city’ with a new railway station at Hønefoss are reasons for the development of Tronrud Lloyds.

No locally documented need was presented.

Tender Project

Therefore Lloyds Development is a giving oriented project and not an organic development oriented project. The Snøhetta project manager praised Tronrud for the successful commercial marketing of the project.

The current situation indicates that the development plan is built on a failed foundation. It hurts to admit that FRE16 no longer seems like a “good idea” and likely won’t work out as intended.

The politics of the national political symbol

FRE16 is peppered with uncertainty. The project is characterized by national political symbol politics, mobility possibilities, unresolved project plans, lack of openness, dialogue and local influence, neglect of local community benefits, lack of funds for implementation, and unresolved start-up time – so we can continue.

All projects are affected by uncertainty in the process from idea to action. What makes FRE16 an unstable project is that in a future perspective, the uncertainty appears to have intensified. It appears that the above conditions still exist. This means that uncertainty is amplified.

Incomplete and uncertain assumptions, unclear future prospects and strained societal values ​​are aspects of the project that have not been clarified.

The project is kept alive by funds for planning. We are facing state-owned enterprises that are working in full swing. Acquire real estate to be able to influence development and earn money.

The connection has been forgotten

Communication with those affected was forgotten. The lack of sufficient, relevant and reliable information about what happens to the project after Bane NOR and Nye Veier exchanged in the project is a common deficiency.

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Most dangerously, neither the press, the university nor the public have much insight into what is happening. Most people are tired of the FRE16 story.

Belief in the project reached its climax. The local sense of ownership over the project is about to be wiped out. Domestic gains are virtually non-existent. It is unclear what the local benefit to society will be when money goes beyond.

The problem in today’s society is not a lack of freedom of expression, but rather that responsible institutions choose not to speak out. We do not have an open public debate. No planned dialogue. Property rights overshadow the developer’s social mission.

A situation in which the responsible actors are not willing or able to listen to anyone but themselves. They are sitting in the echo chamber. Do not understand the circumstances that they themselves did not think of. They live in happy ignorance. There is no willingness to change. Interaction is seen as looting and heaviness.

Basic requirements

Capitalism, individualism and personal freedom may have gone too far. Understanding community and interaction is a basic requirement to build a vibrant urban community.

Both public authorities and private industries in Ringerike have been tempted for a very long time by the politics of national political icons relating to roads and railways.

There are many indications that Project Lloyds is stuck in a reality that no longer has any real viability.

It’s time to think new

It’s time to think again. Develop a new unified narrative. A story built on faith in ourselves and cooperation within a self-governing municipality.

Trunrod is the man with a “heart for the city”.

We must be sure that he is taking action now. Plan to develop as Lloyds evolves from a loss-making project to the triumph of a vibrant public space.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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