Honfoss, Lloyd’s | Why balance in growth and development?

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the author’s positions.

This post is intended as a reminder of the topics that have somewhat come to the fore in the rush in Lloyd’s treatment.

Topics that are important if we believe that the development of individuals in a society is the goal and growth is a tool to achieve that goal.

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Liberalism and democracy

Liberalism and democracy are two ideological perspectives that characterize the city plan. Zones can be used to support growth and development. The island, Lloyd’s and Tippin are the “cultural landscape of the city”.

The professionals who developed the city plan and the politicians who adopted it understand that the plan is based on a two-sided set of values ​​and that two methods of management are required in working to achieve these values.

Our challenge is to balance “supply-driven growth and results-oriented development” in Honfoss as a “regional capital”.

city ​​plan

The city plan has been approved. It sets the framework for Hønefoss’ growth and development as a ‘regional capital’. The city plan indicates four main objectives.

Here we emphasize one target area. The purpose is to make us think about what the consequences must be if we are to achieve this goal.

Then we must see this goal in terms of “results oriented”.

Main objective taken from “City Plan”

“Strengthening public places, parks and blue-green buildings.” municipal plan

This main objective in the city plan is linked to three “general objectives” in the “municipal part of the municipality scheme”. The three areas targeted here can be linked to ‘development and democracy as an administrative system’.

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Revised excerpts from the “community part of the municipality scheme”:

cultural baseTake care of green lanes, diverse habitats, traditional buildings and other cultural attractions

Social Sustainability: Facilitate physical environments that enhance quality of life, and develop access to public spaces, buildings, and other physical environments

local democracy Facilitate clear dialogue and communication with citizens on how to participate and influence local democracy

Center core: The city center in the city planner is a special target area. The island, Lloyds and Tippen are the “city cultural landscape” and areas that form part of the “City Centre” in Hønefoss. Here, the city plan indicates good opportunities to ramp up with more homes and jobs.

Growth based on private investment in a high-rise building has marked the controversy over the use of this area. The task of raising awareness of the importance of the region in the context of human development has come into the background.

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This is the city’s tenderloin – the city’s most attractive open public space. Should tall buildings be built here or should the area continue as an arena for human development?

public space

The city forms the framework for life and teamwork. A framework that we cannot leave to market forces and chance. There are people who give life to the city and make their mark in both private and public places in the city.

A city that respects its residents should have an open public space that invites community and teamwork. An area that guarantees residents’ right of passage and residence in the inner city core.

Market participants cannot substitute political responsibility for a comprehensive and future-oriented development of the city. Practice has shown that Trunrod represents “supply-driven growth”. He was not particularly interested in “result-oriented development”.

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It is the social life that creates a good urban space and makes it a public space. The closed room on the difference is not actually a public room.

If this area becomes too standardized, we will be able to encounter a separate city divided into districts in the middle.

A vibrant downtown area depends on having enough people living there. Those who are drawn to the city from the surrounding area and those who come to it for various reasons should feel welcome.

Jobs and stores should not be replaced by people. City life revolves around the social relationships between most people. Meeting people, going on a city tour, chatting with known and unknown, being at events, not feeling the stress of market-oriented shows. Be free and still feel the importance of teamwork.

Citizens should not lose the “right to the city”. Loss of the right to determine and influence the development of their city. The right to “own” public spaces in the city.


Vitality depends on a combination of people and buildings. Hønefoss should not appear as a sleepy city. The downtown area should appear as a vibrant and lively part of the city. A mix of old and new, larger and smaller homes provides a basis for a diverse population and more varied rentals. City center for most people not only willing groups.

The cost to everyone would rise if the old was torn down to build a new one. Prices are rising and downtown is being marketed.

Then the city is revived by the able-bodied population. Those who come to spend money, shop, entertain and enjoy life. Tenderloin in the city is transformed into a market. Is this what we want?

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Change means that “the development of people in the city is the goal”, while “growth in markets and the economy is a means.” In this case, we must think again about what to use Øya, Lloyds and Tippen – the “cultural landscape of the city”.

The challenge for the municipal council is – why and how ‘supply-driven growth’ can and should support ‘result-oriented development’?

It is appropriate here to place Lloyds in a “result-oriented perspective” and especially to raise awareness of human values ​​associated with the “core of the center” as an open public space.

If the result of the municipal council’s treatment was a Lloyd’s “tall building”, many would be able to believe that it documents a policy that puts growth before development. If the municipal administration moves into this high-rise, this is an expression of liberalism as a means of governance rather than democracy.

It is the population that bears the loss in terms of values ​​and style.


Contingency planning is about thinking about the consequences of what you plan to do before you do it. Beyond this knowledge, new opportunities may open.

It is appropriate here to recall that the Chancellor is the delegated authority to ensure quality, update and thus study the proposals he puts to the Municipal Council to follow up on the city plan.

This is a special reminder to prepare for emergencies – ahead of the last round of Lloyd’s City Council treatment.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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