How to take care of your pet

How to take care of your pet

2022 is almost over, and before long fireworks will be lighting up the skies across the country as we carve in the new year.

It also comes with fireworks and rockets with loud bangs and crackling sounds.

It can be a real nightmare for many pets around Norwegian homes.

– intense fear

– We humans know that the sound of fireworks is not dangerous, but animals fight off fireworks with great fear, and this makes sense for them, says Veterinary Association President Bente Axelsen.

Many animals show signs of anxiety through restless behaviour.

– The animal may begin to walk, increase its heart rate, pant, salivate, and vocalize, by barking, whistling, or making other types of sounds. She explains that these are fairly common signs of fear in dogs in particular.

Cats tend to hide, while large animals like horses tend to react by fleeing and lunging.

Good advice: Veterinary Association President Bent Axelsen has several tips for pet owners ahead of the New Year's festivities.  Image: Norwegian Veterinary Association

Good advice: Veterinary Association President Bent Axelsen has several tips for pet owners ahead of the New Year’s festivities. Image: Norwegian Veterinary Association

Some animals, preferably those that live indoors, can be trained to be quiet on New Year’s Eve.

– There are audio files that you can play with varying degrees of fireworks sounds. Then you can start with “simple” hammering sounds and gradually increase the volume with higher sounds, says Axelsen.

– Pretend like nothing

If you haven’t trained your pet before the ceremony, there are a number of things you can do on the same day to calm the animal down.

Akselsen encourages people to think about how they would behave themselves.

Keep Calm: If your dog is frightened by fireworks, it is very important that the people around you are calm and safe.  Photo: Keri Lynn

Keep Calm: If your dog is frightened by fireworks, it is very important that the people around you are calm and safe. Photo: Keri Lynn

Our behavior affects animals. If we show that we are afraid, or provide excessive comfort, this will only increase the animal’s terror. The best thing is to act calm and pretend nothing happened.

Another important thing is to make sure the animal is in a room that is as soundproof as possible, closing the doors and windows and drawing the curtains.

– Don’t leave the animal alone, says Axelsen.

At the bottom of the box are a few more tips for those of you who have a puppy at home.

Collar and room spray

She says veterinarians often receive inquiries from pet owners who want sedatives for their animals.

But you also get over-the-counter aids. Namely, pheromones – an aromatic substance secreted from the glands of some animals, such as dogs, that have a calming effect on the animal.

– There are fragrances that you can spray in the room, collars or vaporizers that you can plug into the wall. Most animal clinics sell it, says Axelsen.

– What is the biggest mistake people usually make when an animal is restless on New Year’s Eve?

Do not take the animal outside. The most important thing is that they are inside. In addition to avoiding excessive comfort and hugging.

– Respect the launch time

The use of fireworks is strictly regulated in this country. Private individuals can set off fireworks on New Year’s Eve between 6 pm and 2 am.

The Veterinarians Association has participated in numerous petitions and advisory statements recommending that private fireworks be banned.

– Show consideration for animals, limit the release to certain areas and release only at twelve o’clock, the veterinarian urges.

A press release from the Norwegian Fireworks Association shows, based on advance sales from more than 1,500 retailers, that 2022 will be a record year for the fireworks industry.

In 2021, Norwegians spend half a billion kroner on private fireworks.

– In order to take care of the animals and not create mishaps, it is important that people respect the launch time, so that everyone has a nice celebration, says Rikard Spets, spokesman for the Norwegian Fireworks Association, in the letter.

Tips for you with a puppy on New Year’s Eve:

  • Let the puppy be with a calm, safe dog that the puppy knows, on New Year’s Eve.
  • Go for a good walk during the day, when it’s safe and rocket-free.
  • Give the dog a good meal, until he is full and tired.
  • Cover the tops of large windows to avoid flashes of light
  • Put on some rhythmic music
  • Keep the animal as soundproof as possible in the house/apartment.
  • Be a confident and calm leader. Speak firmly and gently and do the things you would normally do to make the dog feel safe and protected in the pack. Act as normal as possible.

Source: Norwegian Veterinary Association

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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