Hydropower, Larvik | It can supply electricity to about 50 homes but get no response: – Strange behavior

Hydropower, Larvik |  It can supply electricity to about 50 homes but get no response: – Strange behavior

Before the March 1999 fire, there was a power station in Herland Mall, but it has been closed. Now the plant owners want to start up the power plant again, but it takes time to get a response from the NVE.

– We are trying to work on this, but unfortunately we are not quite there yet. NVE is visited here, and the license application has been submitted. But it feels like a long canvas to paint, because we haven’t received a response to the app yet. A month ago at the latest, it bothered us. The only answer we received is that NVE received the request, says Arne Helge Steinsholt.

Prior to the fire, there had been a power station on the property for many years.

– In Heerland there has been a power plant since 1910, but it was closed after the fire. Everything is still there. Both the turbine and the pipeline, says Arne Helge Steinsholt, our goal has been and remains to get the turbine working again.

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will not be affected

Nature and wildlife are affected in many places where new power plants are developed or built, whether using offshore wind, wind power, or hydroelectric power.

– The great advantage of this project is that no natural interventions will be made. Since electricity was previously produced here, everything is fine. Rorgata is here, and the only thing we want to do is install a new turbine, but it will only replace the old ones, says Arne Olaf Steinholt.

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If electricity production resumes in Herlandsfossen, there will be many benefits.

– The hope is to get the turbine and power plant up and running. We think this makes it easier to get some kind of production or use out of the large buildings that are now empty. And that’s exactly what we think is a little sad, says Arne Helge Steinsholt.

The river where the power station is likely to be built has uneven water flow. Therefore, the same amount of electricity is not produced all the time.

– It’s a flood, and you should take advantage of those periods when there is plenty of water. During periods of low water, nothing is produced, because all the water flows through the waterfall. With the help of NVE, the experts in the field, we have an estimate of say 0.9 megawatts of power on the turbine. On an annual basis, we expect 900,000 kWh to be produced when everything is in place, Arne Olav Steinsholt explains.

If you start from an average electricity consumption of 20,000 kWh per year for a Norwegian household, that corresponds to enough electricity for 45 homes.

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Arne Helge and Arne Olav Steinholt find it strange that they have not received any response from NVE regarding the license application. Especially since there has been a power plant there for many years.

– This is strange behavior by NVE. We’ve sent all the analytics and reports, and done whatever needed to be done. Reports and analyzes of, among others, fish and river mussels. Everything calculated, hum Steinsholts.

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So far, they’re disappointed by the lack of conversation on the NVE side.

– First of all, I am disappointed that we did not receive an answer. I thought it was exciting to get the power plant back up and running again. Early in 2021, we introduced a License Compliance Assessment. The license application was submitted in the fall of 2022, and we now hope to respond positively to it. If we get it, Arne Olaf Steinholt says, he’ll start designing the new power plant.

– Energy generation is very important right now, he adds.

ØP was unable to obtain comment from NVE in the week leading up to Easter.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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