I am one of those people who have criticized the Munch Museum. Then I went inside the doors.

I am one of those people who have criticized the Munch Museum.  Then I went inside the doors.
  • war sojour

Sojour Harbi wrote: I have been personally critical of the building, and the idea of ​​stacking museum halls on top of each other in height.

Oslo has a great museum that can be compared to what we find internationally.

This is the topic of discussion. Opinions expressed in the text are at the author’s expense.

What do I think of the new Munch Museum? I liked that. Once I was inside the doors, I was surprised.

Nothing gurgling? Yes sure. Let’s take it right away: the Stenersen collection deserves better ceiling height, more subtle lighting and a better color scheme on the walls. Art faded where it hung. Also Munch’s own photos.

And the exhibition that showed his home in Ikele can at best give some kind of impression. It can never be rebuilt. Start.

A pleasant surprise

What did I like about the Munch Museum? Ceiling height, halls, color scheme, accessibility for all those who cannot stand on their feet, view of dining, view from escalators.

But first of all the exhibits. The Munch Museum presents more of its collections than ever before. I myself am interested in preparing for the pictures. All studies and stages that ultimately lead to the final work.

I loved the commentary, which not only shows one work at a time but sometimes stacks them on top of each other and next to them. Munch himself had pictures standing all over the place. This disturbance is now continued to some extent by the museum’s curators.

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I visited the Munch Museum on a Tuesday last week. It was kind of a pre-opening.

Hundreds of people poured in from outside, but they never felt chaotic or upset. Sure, there was a queue in the restaurant, sometimes tight in the escalator, but it wasn’t difficult. And when you get close, you hear people’s comments.

What did they say? Yes, this was a pleasant surprise. They will be back again. Bring family, acquaintances and friends from home and abroad.

easy to approach

Personally, I was critical of the building, for the idea of ​​stacking the museum halls on top of each other in height. That the building itself steals from its surroundings and gives nothing but shade. It is ridiculous to place a museum in a port area with challenging climatic and ground conditions.

But now it is there. I can’t come to terms with the gloomy facade, and I still think the building looks like a coke bucket. But on the inside, I experience that Munch comes on alone. That color scheme raises the images.

In the sixties, the city did not have a chance to indulge in this

My acquaintance with Edvard Munch has now begun all over again.

Also, it’s easy to get close to the new museum building. You don’t climb a huge ladder and reach a heavy door. I came straight from the street. Directly to the store, sell tickets or eat.

So what did Oslo get? Fantastic museum that can rival what we find internationally. In the 60s, the city did not have a chance to indulge in this, but now, in the age of oil wealth, it stands there.

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And I want to say thank God.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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