– I don't think we've reached the bottom – E24

– I don't think we've reached the bottom – E24

After a long day of bubbling of hope, many of the community's galleries at the NHO's annual conference agree that not all issues have been resolved.

Anita Krohn, CEO of DSD
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On Tuesday, Norway's top business leaders gathered for networking, networking and lectures during a conference at Oslo Spectrum.

The day is marked by something the business world hasn't seen much of in recent years: a bit of surprising optimism.

Investor Jens Ulltveit-Moe pointed out in an interview with E24 that Norway is a “very well-performing economy”.

– In that case, some of the people who are suffering have borrowed too much, said the investor.

Hotel king Peter Stordalen believes he has hit rock bottom.

– No, it's not dark. I am an optimist. I think it will return in 2024, he said.

At the forefront of the cheers is the prime minister, who relies on forecasts from Norges Bank and Statistics Norway when he says now is the turning point.

– After a few difficult years and months, I believe we could be at a turning point where price growth has reversed, interest rates have peaked, and real wages are likely to improve, say our leading analytical sources. Jonas Kahr Store (Ap).

The somewhat hesitant prime minister shows how optimistic he is on behalf of the Norwegian economy.

– did not reach the bottom

DSD's CEO Anita Krohn Traseth isn't so optimistic.

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E24 meets her on the blue carpet en route to the conference dinner, where more than 600 invited guests will devour a menu that includes, among other things, porcini mushrooms from Østmarka, candied bream flounder and long-cooked reindeer skin.

Kron Traseth calls hope “paradoxical,” especially in a world that is more unpredictable and insecure than it has been in a long time.

– You know what, I don't think we're down. I think the first half of the year will be demanding. I think, and he says, what happens in the first half of the year puts a little bit of a damper on the second half of the year.

These were at NHO's dinner:

Because in addition to higher interest rates than in a long time, the year that has just begun will be characterized by major economic elections and political unrest, including dozens of elections, including in the United States.

– There will be consequences for that too. Macroeconomics has never been as volatile as it is now. I'm an optimist by nature, but I think it's important to be realistic in this day and age. The Prime Minister has promised that the situation will improve. I'm a little unsure about that. It's a bit early, says Krohn Traseth.

NHO CEO: Ole Erik Almlid is wary of promising anything, but says the breakthrough is coming.

– The turning point is coming

NHO president Ole Erik Almlid is one of those who describes himself as an optimist, but he admits that not all of their members see the future equally.

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– Feeling a little hopeful. But we know in our contract that companies expect it to be tough in the first half of the year. Hopefully the end of 2024 will be better. “However, I think the building and construction industry knows there are still heavy roofs,” he says.

– There is talk that this is a turning point. Do you think we are at a tipping point?

– It is difficult to say whether the breakthrough is now or later. But if we ask our companies, we find that there are still more pessimists than optimists. I said it's better now than last year. And at one point or another, the turning point comes.

Anita Kron Traseth's topic in the case was edited on 09/01/2024 at 22:25.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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