I had to carry a stillbirth for two weeks

I had to carry a stillbirth for two weeks

“I am very angry that I have been treated this way, because of the laws passed by men who have never been pregnant and who have never been pregnant,” says Marlena Steele. CNN As tears roll down her cheek.

She was clearly upset.

Marlena Steele and her husband dreamed of giving their daughter Adelina a little brother or sister. After trying for several months, I got pregnant last summer.

– We were so happy, because we didn’t think I could get pregnant.

Doctor refused

Ultrasound after seven and a half weeks of pregnancy showed no problems. Two weeks later she received a completely different message.

– She said no heartbeat. The beauty entrepreneur says he’s no longer a viable fetus here.

Not only did she lose the baby – according to Steele, she had to carry the dead fetus for two weeks, knowing that she risked sepsis for the mother, which could threaten her life.

“It can lead to organ failure and death,” Dr. Lillian Shapiro confirmed to CNN.

Stell tells CNN that the doctor refused to remove the fetus, because it is done in the same procedure as when performing an abortion.

“The doctor said that because of the new law that was passed, you should take a new ultrasound before I do anything for you,” Steele says.

After the United States Supreme Court recently dropped Roe v. Wade, it has become virtually impossible to have an abortion in Texas.

to me Texas Tribune The state will not punish people who abort, but doctors who perform abortions can be sentenced to life imprisonment or a fine of up to $100,000, or 1 million Norwegian kroner.

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In addition, Texas pays $10,000 in bonuses to residents who report abortions.

The doctor refused again

Steele says it was outrageous to take a new and unnecessary ultrasound.

– It’s heartbreaking, because you already know what they will see, she says.

However, the doctor did not dare remove the fetus, even after Steele was able to refer to another ultrasound scan that showed she had lost the baby.

She had to have an ultrasound a third time – and for the third time she’s told she’s lost the baby.

She wrote in a Twitter post that “Instead of letting me grieve the loss, I had to struggle for two weeks to get the treatment I finally received in an abortion clinic and not in a hospital. The clinic gave me the treatment the doctors refused.”

Steele says abortion opponents incited her on her way to the abortion clinic.

“I was called by strangers who didn’t even know why I was there or what I was experiencing as a ‘baby killer’.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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