– I have more faith in less stress

– I have more faith in less stress

Vita: Last year's Easter started with wonderful weather in Hartangervita. Photo: Jørgen Braastad / VG

The weather outlook for Easter is not the best: – At least I don't see a stable and sunny high pressure says the meteorologist on duty.

At the Meteorological Center, Bernil Borander watches as low pressure west of Iceland sits against high pressure over mighty Russia.

– There is too much pressure in the east that I don't think will win the battle for Easter weather. I am more confident about the low pressure, says Meteorologist V.G.

But the low pressure may move northwards or come towards central Norway and western Norway, with moderate winds raising temperatures and some precipitation.

– If the low pressure moves further north, east and south Norway it will be sunny during Easter. But I've learned not to promise anything yet.

Borander relies on a new 21-day forecast for Yr, which shows trends three weeks ahead. Below you can find forecasts for popular winter sports venues.

BREAK: Chocolate and orange, of course. Photo: V.G

The meteorologist is on safe ground at the start of Easter.

Borender says Palm Weekend feels like winter in the north and a little more spring in the south.

Slightly acidic and very fresh northerly winds bring cold air and snow showers from Finnmark and south towards Trøndelag.

– In western Norway, the palm weekend will provide a break in the rain and some sunny and mild weather. But northerly winds mean they face slightly cooler days over time.

The meteorologist says that the weather will be relatively mild in southern Norway and eastern Norway. In southern Norway, she waits for the sun on Palm Sunday.

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– In hilly areas it will be a good start to Easter. Next weekend, there is no chance of any particular wind or rain. But Borander says there will be plenty of clouds.

Dream Easter: Lidl's in Hartangervita last year. Photo: Jørgen Braastad / VG

In the future, uncertainty increases:

– March is a capricious month. Predictions may change slightly. But it seems the weather is changing. And clouds are more difficult to predict in the future.

Next weekend, northerly winds will cool across the country.

– The weather hasn't been wet so far, but Borander says there's a chance of a slightly cloudy Easter.

The north and west will be exposed to slightly higher temperatures, he says.

– If we get a moderate northerly moving wind, there may be rain soon. Low pressures have a lot to say about where they decide to go.

Nordmarka: Low Sun in Strygon. Photo: Stella Puke / V.G

Eastern Norway is less likely to see rain at Easter, Borander says.

– For the most part, if the weather is western, the sun's best chance is for easterners. But this Easter everyone seems to have it mixed up.

– No Easter dream in sight, then?

– If you want sun and calm air every day, you have to mentally prepare for something a little wet sometimes. It is fixed and more variable than the sun.

– Forecasts are uncertain – could it suddenly turn around?

– Then we tend to see slightly better trends now that something is getting closer or not too far away.

– So who are the Easter winners and losers?

– Palm weekend, I think there will be more sunshine in southern Norway and eastern Norway. I will no longer present a trophy for the best weather ever to come.

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In Farda: Sangefjell All. Photo: Jørgen Braastad / VG

Here's a weather outlook for Easter week for popular ski resorts. Proof is Yr's new 21-day forecasts. The uncertainty is large, but they provide an indication:

Weather forecast Easter 25 – 31. March
Oslo, Trivan
Precipitation 13 mm
Chance of rain up to 39%
Low/high temperature -4/5 degrees
Sjusjøen, Inlandet
Precipitation 11 mm
Chance of rain up to 39%
Low/high temperature -8/5 degrees
Kvitfjell, Inlandet
Precipitation 10 mm
Chance of rain up to 35%
Low/high temperature -8/0 degrees
Drysil, inland
Precipitation 10 mm
Chance of rain up to 37%
Low/high temperature -7/7 degrees
Norefgel, Buskerud
Precipitation 15 mm
Chance of rain up to 47%
Low/high temperature -11/0 degrees
Keilo, buskerud
Precipitation 12 mm
Chance of rain up to 39%
Low/high temperature -10/4 degrees
Hemsedal, Buskerud
Precipitation 14 mm
Chance of rain up to 43%
Low/high temperature -7/4 degrees
Howden, actor
Precipitation 16 mm
Chance of rain up to 47%
Low/high temperature -10/5 degrees
Myrkdalen, Westland
Precipitation 14 mm
Chance of rain up to 47%
Low/high temperature -4/7 degrees
Opal, Trøndelag
Precipitation 7 mm
Chance of rain up to 37%
Low/high temperature -5/6 degrees
Norvik, Nordland
Precipitation 16 mm
Chance of rain up to 47%
Low/high temperature -4/5 degrees
Lincoln, Drams
Precipitation 15 mm
Chance of rain up to 47%
Low/high temperature -9/3 degrees

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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