I said I’m too big

I said I’m too big

Travel-loving blogger and influencer Kirsty Lynn from Shropshire, England, is frustrated after hotel staff told her she was too big for their facility.

The 29-year-old regularly shares travel tips for people with large bodies Instagram And the Tik Tok With a “Plus Size Traveler” user.

Very heavy and big

Earlier this month, Leanne flew to Bali, which she said on her social media that she had been looking forward to for a long time.

However, the residence was a little different than first thought:

Once at the hotel, she is told that due to her body weight she cannot be in the bathroom at the same time as her friend.

“They said I was too big for utilities,” Leanne says in the Tiktok video.

She’s also been told they’re too big and heavy for hotel swings and hammocks, she says.

Leanne shared the clip with her followers in an effort to warn others about weight limits when traveling, she told the Jam Press news agency.

The video has more than 4.5 million views and more than half a million likes.

However, the reactions were very mixed:

“This should be a wake-up call to slim down.”Someone writes. “this is your mistake”comments on another, whereupon he adds a third: “If this isn’t a wake-up call, I don’t know!”

However, many defend Leanne’s support, praising her for raising the issue.

“I had no idea weight limits were a thing. Thanks!”writes a follower.

Leanne has posted several videos recently about the Bali trek and the weight limits:

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Sad and disappointing

Leanne tells Jam that she understands and accepts that the hotel facilities are not for her. But it’s still sad and disappointing, she says:

– The bathtubs, swings, and swings were a huge reason I booked this particular hotel. Then it’s obviously a little disappointing that I’m obviously very heavy.

She says she was allowed to use the bathroom on her own, but they couldn’t give her an exact weight limit. That’s why you wouldn’t dare use it either:

– I was terrified that something would happen, she told the news agency.

Although Leanne described the experience as holiday trauma on her social media, she wasn’t really surprised, she says:

– I am really upset with myself for not checking this thoroughly enough. I usually do a fairly deep search, but this time I was probably blinded by all the good reviews.

Want more information about weight limits?

Although the stay was rather short, Leanne praises the hotel and the trip in general. She says it was an amazing place, and that she is very pleased with the trip after all.

– The staff was nice and respectful, I have no problem with what was said personally – I just wish weight limits were an easier topic to come across and more explicit when booking travel.

Leanne adds that her experience is another example of how little is said about the “plus size” problems people have.

– This is the biggest reason to run plus size flyer pages. She concludes that I want people to learn from my mistakes and avoid making them themselves.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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