Illegally fined

Illegally fined

More than 100 motorists have been fined for speeding through the Sawwalk Center on County Road 545 in Stort Municipality. The only problem is that billboards are illegal.

The NRK writesPolice are now told to look at old fine piles to determine who is entitled to a refund after fines have been wrongly distributed.

The Swedish Road Administration warns: – Queues can be long

Wrong license plate

There is a sign at the stretch with a speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour, but the Norwegian Road Administration has never recognized this sign.

This is because, as NRK writes, if a road in densely built-up areas is to have a permanently lower speed than normal, There must be another conclusion.

When the county council applied for lower speeds in 2020, the Swedish Road Administration was waiting for consultation responses from various parties. But as they received no response, the matter was forgotten, the paper writes Sunhartland was the first to mention this case.

Penalty should be imposed

Thus, refunds can be made to persons fined for driving between 40 and 50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, those who have lost their driving license for wrong reasons can get the card back.

Sveinung Andersen, police prosecutor at the Sør-Vest police district, tells NRK that there have never been cases like this before.

– He tells NRK that there are cases with temporary speed limits, for example at work, but no permanent speed limits.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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