I’m no longer skeptical about the vaccine

I’m no longer skeptical about the vaccine

Corona is a curse.

After contracting coronary heart disease, Terje Johan Helgheim encourages everyone to get vaccinated.
  • Terry Johan Helgeheim


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This is the topic of discussion. The post was written by an outside contributor, and quality assured by BT’s Debating Department. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.

I was During a very difficult period in life, I am very happy to come out of it with seemingly few repercussions.

I was skeptical about the coronary artery vaccine. I was hesitant to see what happens over time, and I also had the opinion that you don’t get as sick as you would like.

It was November 17 I was hired in a private company in Førde. After only a week the symptoms appeared. The symptoms were at first the same as with the usual flu, but they became more severe over time and eventually cleared me completely. I had to ask for admission, I think it was at the time of the ‘Count’. I have never experienced anything worse in my long life.

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Virus researcher: – Do not be discouraged. We are not back to where we were in March 2020.

One of the The most motivating and reflective sentences that made me seem most open to the vaccine question were when my oldest daughter said to me, “Dad, if the vaccine you most doubt has life-threatening ingredients and consequences. Would you rather survive with all your children who took it, by Not taking it yourself?”

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We know that we cannot isolate ourselves from the outside world. What we do or don’t do has an impact on those around us. Our choices regarding vaccines therefore have multiplier effects far beyond those closest to us. I think we should therefore think less selfishly and see what benefits children, family and colleagues.

me too I am fortunate to have family and friends who care about me and follow me closely. Thank you very much for all the care and regards. Thank you to all of you who prayed for me. You carried me through this difficult period. I really appreciate all of you.

I now consider myself healthy, as I am free of fever and infection. But I have a long way to go to get back in shape again.

and to you Who’s wondering: I’m no longer skeptical about a vaccine, as far as I see and understand it today, and I encourage everyone who hasn’t been vaccinated to fix it ASAP.


Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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