Immersive at its best – VG

Immersive at its best – VG
GRØSSER from TRØNDELAG: Anne Elvidal, 49, has written scripts for films like “Børning 2” and “Wisting” and it comes alive with her horror series from Trøndelag.
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Monster has purchased the film rights to the Anne Elvedal horror series for young adults, and they will have many scenes to mingle with.


Betrayal, love and supernatural powers are central to Anne Elvidal’s Norwegian horror trilogy where the sun rises from the first page and leaves even the reader thirsty.

The horror genre is bigger in the world of film than it is in literature, so screenwriter, television and film writer Anne Elvidal is a breath of fresh air when she debuts with a supernatural horror trilogy set in Trøndelag.

Anne Elvidal Background: Screenplay written for Burning 2

The result is a spooky tale of the apocalypse where dark forces destroy for generations through a breathtaking canvas.

Contrary to all betrayal, envy and fear, there is a couple reminiscent of Bella Swan and the vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight series.

The third and final book is the grand finale – and it’s on sale now.

Trilogy: The third and final book in the Game of Death trilogy, Servant of Darkness, was recently released – and the series is complete.

Although there is a lot that works, and the ending is just like a berry kiss you want it to be, there is a lot of repetition and the scary factor that falls through the books.

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The main characters Martin and Rebecca are spirit walkers, and the forces of darkness and light recur in their lives in a recurring way.

Therefore the third book is seen as a copy of the previous two.

There are murders the two sixteen-year-olds are trying to solve, and here the threads go back and forth in the different lives they lived. The reader should eventually give up trying to identify the perpetrators because this is no ordinary crime mystery.

Dark forces can suddenly invade and control anyone.

Behind Burning 2: Anne Elvidal (right) wrote the script for “Børing 2” with Linn-Jeanethe Kyed (left). Elvedal also wrote the script for the TV series “Twin” and “Wisting”.

The mood is menacing, the narrator’s voice is serious and short-tempered. A heat wave hits Homlvik, and restrictions on the water are strict. Many people are going crazy from the heat. In the evening, a curfew is imposed as the craziest people lurk on their looting trips.

The descriptions of the emergency may have struck the reader well in the turbulent times of epidemics and wars. You can literally feel the burning heat on the skin and dry throat forever.

The strength of the books lies in the descriptions of the bleak atmosphere in the village and the love story that lasts many lives. Monster bought the rights to the movie, and they’d have many more scenes to mingle with.

Servant of Darkness is sometimes exciting, sometimes repetitive and predictable, and sometimes sensually immersive and decidedly very long.

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It is refreshing to read books of a typical non-Norwegian genre, but nonetheless in a Norwegian environment. But it’s hard to get rid of the idea that it would have been better if he had written one really good book rather than diluting the material in wood.

reviewed by: Kristen Isaacson

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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