Imperfect is the new perfection – NRK Culture & Entertainment

Imperfect is the new perfection – NRK Culture & Entertainment


The sound from the camera is proof of capturing the moment. face, mood, place.


Olaf Stopbrod pulls the trigger again. Did he get the perfect picture? whatever! It’s not always that important anymore.

– He must look “groggy” and bad and sad now, he says.


Stubberud took this photo of Skrillex and Fred Again at Coachella.

Photo: Olaf Stobrod

# filter

Multi-artist Olaf Stopbrod lives in the United States, where he works mostly as a photographer. Justin Bieber, Kygo, Vin Diesel and Martin Garrix are on the list of clients. Familiar faces who wanted perfect digital photos with filters and all. But who will now often take over what is authentic and imperfect.

We lived in a time when everything seemed to be fine. And because of the technological possibilities of creating perfection, everything has become very similar. This is a counter reaction.

Bad digital cameras are common, Stabrod says.

– or analog cameras like Polaroid. It should look a little weird and ugly. There is some nostalgia, of course. Longing when things seem more real.

Olaf Stopbrod

Olaf Stopbrod takes many perfect photos. But his clients often want them imperfect. This is a self-portrait.

Photo: Olaf Stobrod


Hollywood is also striving for more authenticity nowadays. Obviously, analog is becoming more and more popular in the world of movies and TV series.

Despite the endless digital possibilities, as computers fix effects and Chat GPT can soon write screenplays, more and more people are shooting their stories on old movie slates. Many great filmmakers constantly do it the old-fashioned way.

Now even TV series are starting to use analog. Most recently with the huge success of “Caliphate”, where everything was shot with a 35mm camera in its own distinctive, wobbly way with fast zoom and pivots.

Staberod argues that many parts of popular culture are characterized by the same pursuit of the real and the unvarnished.

– This is spreading faster now, because of social media. Everything talks together differently than before.

Make-up is used to appear without makeup

Trying to look like you haven’t tried for a long time has taken over the fashion industry. “Normcore” and “trash fashion” have been household terms for a long time. It should look like you’re putting on something in a hurry.

Some say the trend in the makeup industry has taken the cake.

– It’s really a paradox, says Thea Roll Racking, a journalist at MinMote.


Model Gigi Hadid often uses makeup to look makeup-free.

Photo: AFP

The makeup industry has introduced one of the most incomprehensible things we’ve seen since the Internet Teletext: you have to wear makeup to look no-makeup.

The goal is to look natural. But there’s often many hours of work behind it, so it’s a rather sad trend, says the fashion journalist.

Rakeng sees the same trend across the board.

The fashion and beauty industry is totally in on this now. You should not see that you tried so hard and paid a lot of money for it. Botox and fillers should be done so that no one thinks about it. It’s strange, says the fashion journalist.

Thea Roll Raking

A fashion journalist without makeup in Bir El Salam.

Photo: private

Can’t stand pressing CAPS LOCK or SHIFT?

– This, of course, is something we did deliberately, Majdi Omar Tetridi Abdul Majeed told Karib.

The rap group eagerly describes how they tried to show they weren’t trying too hard.

We just wanted to stress that we didn’t work on it much compared to our other songs.

Chirag in carp

Chirag Rashmikant Patel in Carp. The photo was taken in Milan. First stop on their European tour.

Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad

NRK previously wrote about lowercase being the new capital. Many artists suddenly started writing their song titles in small initials. The goal seems to be to appear more “cooler” and relaxed. It represents a new writing style among young people.

The most recent example is Susanne Sundvoer. The artist abandoned the traditional use of letters when she had to write the song titles for the album “blómi”. None of the titles contain uppercase letters.

Now someone has taken relaxing song titles to a new level. Because while some people drop capital letters, there are others who can’t even “tolerate” changing the original file name.

interview_carp_file name.doc

When Norway’s biggest rapper released his EP MIKE IT SPEKTRUM, the titles of the new songs were written as follows:

TheMostBeautifulShowInTheWorld (RightNow)_v2_instr020822.wav

– That’s what the songs were called when we sent them to each other by e-mail, says Chirag Rashmikant Patil.

– With these addresses, we play on the fact that people received something that was not processed as such.

– There are many people doing this now, they “save” a little. People release a song halfway through on Soundcloud or TikTok. If it doesn’t quite work out, you can just say, “I just finished,” says Rashmikant Patel.

Karp isn’t sure if they were the first to have the filename. It wasn’t the last anyway. Because Astrid S suddenly came up with a new song:

Then rapper Isaac Shorty came up with these two songs:

– It is clear that now it is important not to filter, dilute and reduce it. It should look a bit random. We see it in the whole culture,” says NRK’s ​​music director, Mats Porsche-Pogg.

It is believed that this trend may be due, among other things, to youth’s commitment to climate and environmental issues.


Mats Porsche-Pog, Head of Music at NRK, sent us a random and incomplete photo.

Photo: private

– Things should look a bit rough and used. Reuse and sustainability are important to many.

Isn’t it ironic that you’re trying to show that you didn’t try?

– Yes, it is a theatrical display of originality. But in some cases it may also be a true response to our times, says Porsche Bug.

note! The journalist did almost nothing on the issue. Just a quick Google search and a couple of phone calls. This was as much as a journalist could afford to write. (He did a lot of work on it actually!!!)

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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