Infections in Trams and Finmark:

Infections in Trams and Finmark:

In terms of population, Troms and Finmark have the highest Govt-19 infection in the entire country.

Now about 10 out of 39 municipalities in the larger, affiliated county are looking for answers in the “dark hole” in infection and vaccination statistics:

Local or national authorities do not have a complete overview of whether foreign guest staff have been vaccinated.

This is especially true for men aged 25 to 44 in Romania and the three Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

With a desire for Finmark, municipalities held a digital meeting on Thursday with Trump and the state administrator at Finmark on the growing infection and the uncertain vaccination rate among guest staff with addresses in Norway and their home countries.

On Friday, the state administration will hold consultations with Health Minister Invild Gerkol on the status of the infection.

Press Releases: Health Minister Invild Kerkol should continue on the same path as his predecessor Bent Hoy, explaining frequently about the epidemic situation.  Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB.

Press Releases: Health Minister Invild Kerkol should continue on the same path as his predecessor Bent Hoy, explaining frequently about the epidemic situation. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB.
See also

– FHI does not like

Acting District Physician Bjorn Oykard explains:

– Uncertainty is about workers who work for a certain period of time and stay at addresses in their home countries for a long time. They will not stay here during local vaccination offers.

– Nor did the Norwegian authorities know whether they had been vaccinated in their home countries. We have examples of National Public Health Organization vaccination statistics not capturing home vaccination.

At Thursday’s meeting, it was revealed that municipalities, among others, will produce information in multiple languages ​​and find out if foreigners with long-term Norwegian addresses live and work.

– Some workplaces are bankrupt and closed during epidemics. In more questionable countries, we see somewhat greater resistance to vaccine requirements from the authorities because citizens feel it at home, District Physician Dagbladet says.

– Glass

– How is the infection status in Troms and Finnmark per. Thursday?

– It has only gotten worse in recent days. The epidemic situation in the cities of Tromsø and Alta is even more worrying. In a short time, two new outbreaks have emerged in Sencha municipality and in Luxel in Porsankar municipality.

Tordentale: Assistant Director of Health Espen Rostrup Naxstad on November 3 made clear calls to the public to reduce the epidemic.
See also

The Senja municipality on Wednesday summarized the outbreak in 14 established cases in the fishing village of Fjordgård. Most are children and adolescents without special symptoms.

After Troms and Finmark in the district-wise infection statistics, Oslo, Trondhelock and Wieken.

The number of registered cases has increased in all the districts in the last week.

Eighty-five percent of all people over the age of 18 are fully vaccinated in our northern district municipality, which is 86.6 percent nationally.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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