Ingrid Alexandra, Princess Anne | The royal family is warning the rest of the world

Ingrid Alexandra, Princess Anne |  The royal family is warning the rest of the world

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Princess Ingrid Alexandra chose the uniform as the royal family welcomed the children's train in Oslo from the palace balcony on National Day. This is a historic moment.

The royal palace may have pomp and show and superfluous staff, but the royal palace also has great importance in wartime.

Because Europe is at war. And the royal palace is mobilizing.

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Uses his position and indirect power

According to Aftenposten, it was the first time since 1959 that the royal family had been in uniform on the palace balcony on May 17. We were in the middle of the Cold War then.

When Crown Prince Haakon was in the navy in the early 90s, there were hopeful times and we thought we could live in peaceful coexistence with our neighbors to the east. And then it was And , and the probability of war in Europe was equal to zero. We thought.

Now the world has turned upside down. There is a war in Europe. Royal houses do what royal houses do best. They use their position and implicit power in a subtle way. Without using too many and empty words, but through symbolic actions.

The royal palace shows that Norway stands together, that Scandinavia and Europe stand together against the dark forces.

I would argue that the State House is courageous when politicians are cowards and talk out of it. Already in his New Year's speech, King Harald warned of dark times ahead.

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Warns the rest of the world

Some were “chattering” in royal circles. To King Harald, King Frederick and King Charles “say” the same.

They warn the rest of the world not to lay hands on us.

We are united because we stand together and we have previous success stories for that. No wonder they spoke. It was a big family.

King Christian 9 of Denmark and his Queen Louise were known as the “mother-in-laws of Europe”. They secretly married children all over Europe. That way they formed effective alliances to avoid war and conflict.

No more marrying off your children on the sly, now royal children are marrying for love. If not, perhaps Princess Martha Louise is the Queen of Denmark today and Princess Madeleine of Sweden is the Crown Princess of Norway.

Tove Taalsen

Author, Presenter and Netavision's Royal House Expert. Talasen was Norway's first female companion at the Royal Court in 2007 and served as companion to the DD. MM King and Queen for over ten years.

He has published two best-selling crime books; “The Queen” and “The Bodyguard”, and host of the Royal Podcast Audience.

Taalesen holds several board positions including Forfatterforbundet.

Follow her on Instagram @tovetaalesen

The kings are troubled

Royal families are active through state visits and official visits. You might think this is unnecessary nonsense, but it's actually just weird political work in disguise.

We just finished a state visit from Denmark.

Three full days of demonstration of the close and family friendship between Norway and Denmark. Both King Harald and King Frederick mentioned the war in Ukraine in their speeches during a banquet at the Royal Palace.

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Both kings are worried about the situation in Europe.

It is unusual for King Harald to talk politics in his speeches, but it is necessary to use all the tricks at our disposal to show the strength of the nation. This is where the royal family has absolute genius, and they know how to use it.

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Military issues and security matters

These days, Britain's Princess Anne is on a three-day visit to Norway. Admittedly, this is a private visit, but King Charles' sister attends many official events.

It was the princess's dedication to military issues and defense matters that led her to Norway.

He was invited by the Anglo-British Counter-Commemoration Project (ABRCP), a newly founded commemorative project about the successful collaboration of intelligence between Norway and Great Britain during the Second World War.

Princess Anne is a member of the British royal family who has taken on one-third of the British royal household when both King Charles and Kate are ill.

The king's sister's stay in Norway for three whole days marks the gathering of royal families. It is time to show unity, strength and remind the world of success stories.

We may or may not like the monarchy, be monarchists or republicans, but the fact remains that the royal family creates security through its permanence.

Recruitment to Armed Forces

Princess Ingrid Alexandra is currently serving at Brigade Nord in Indre Tram.

He is a role model for Norwegian youth. He contributes to making homeland security more attractive and his selection will have a positive impact on recruitment for the armed forces.

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The Crown Princess will one day lead the armies of Norway.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra means business.

It was beautiful to see the princess in a tight salute during the National Anthem on May 17. She had a proud grandfather and father by her side.

It is not Norway's tradition to show defense force on National Day. May 17 is Children's Day and it will continue.

But the world is no longer at peace. It's time for Norway to show that we take seriously the fact that war can affect us too. It's time to deploy anti-aircraft shields over the capital.

Uniforms on the balcony, state visits or success stories are of no use if you cannot protect the king and the motherland.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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