On Saturday, Bjorn Tommerin, Karina Dahl and Alexandra Rutan will fight for the last place in Stjernekamp.
But to get there, they must first learn about the types of big bands and musicals – with the broadcast orchestra in the back.
When NRK meets the semi-finalists before practice at Cork Main Course, namely the Store Studio in Marienlyst, the nerves are palpable.
It is almost impossible to resist having such a large orchestra behind you. Alexandra Rutan says I’ve never tried that before, so it will be fun.
PUGGING: Alexandra Rutan and Karina Dahl read the lyrics before rehearsals with KORK.
Maud: Playing with Cork was so much fun, says Alexandra Rutan.
The goal: – The goal has been to play with KORK for a very long time, so it is very important that it finally happens, says Alexandra Rutan.
Karina Dal is also behind this
– I think it’s fun and raw to be able to sing with KORK. I just have to be careful not to scare myself. She says because I feel real dread.
On the other hand, Bjørn Tomren has a more relaxed approach to the whole thing, at least for now.
Standing there would probably be very special, but I can’t imagine what it would be like now.
– Big band music «Same»
everybody Three will sing a Frank Sinatra songBut Alexandra asserts that this was precisely a coincidence. She has to sing “New York, New York”
– The original song is a song that I like a lot, but I’ve never had a chance to sing it until now.
“I didn’t want to carry anything to the eighteenth, it’s a legend to be applauded,” she added.
As Bjorn Tommern describes it this way:
– It’s the big music group “Same”.
The winner returns last year
In addition to Storband, artists will try their hand at the musical genre.
– Love her. I’m very interested in musicals, and this is where you get the chance to make a prank item and that becomes something extra.
Directed by: Henriette Steenstrup is a master of the musical genre.
Photo: Marie Afrett Mørtvedt / NRK
Here they have Henriette Steenstrup as a mentor.
– I want to be her best friend, I think she’s so cool. Kareena says she has very great charisma.
Henriette Steenstrup and Big Teams mentor, Odd Renee Andersen, are the evening’s guest judges.
Last year’s entertaining: Knut Marius Djupvik rose to the top in Star Wars last year.
Photo: Julia Marie Naglstad/NRK
A fantastic evening of singing culminates in a guest appearance by last year’s winner Knut Marius Djupvik.
Who will qualify for the final? Follow NRK 1 on Saturday at 19.50 or me NRK TV.
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