It is forecast to be sunny and warm in southern Norway for the foreseeable future. But in northern Norway the weather turns gray and wet

It is forecast to be sunny and warm in southern Norway for the foreseeable future.  But in northern Norway the weather turns gray and wet
It is forecast to be sunny and warm in southern Norway for the foreseeable future.  But in northern Norway the weather turns gray and wet
Bad weather: High pressure between Scotland and Iceland pushes low pressure north.

Saturday saw major weather anomalies in Norway. Above 27 degrees Celsius separates the warmest from the coldest.

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Byglandsfjord in Aktor and Gulsvik in Hallingdal were warmest at 23.7 degrees.

At the opposite end, 3.6°C was measured on the 1,200m peak Kammanjunni in Lingen in Nord-Träms.

– But in the mountains in eastern Norway, there was frost in many places on Saturday night, says Per Egil Haga, a meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Centre.

Summertime: DJ Saul Sanchez at Sofianbergparken during “Music Day” in Oslo on Saturday.

As good as the Mediterranean

Haga explains that the weather we have now is “locked in a bit.”

– Southern warmth touching the 30s, we’ll have to look for that in the coming seasons. We still have cooler weather, and it’s mostly the sun that makes it feel like summer, Haga says.

But it will be even better in many parts of the country on Sunday.

– This means that southern and eastern Norway will be dry and sunny with temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees. The meteorologist continues that it may touch 25-28 degrees at some exceptional places.

If it’s any consolation: it’s marginally better than many popular Mediterranean destinations. On Sunday, both Rome and Barcelona recorded 19 degrees.

In another couple of weeks it may ease in the north.

– There are uncertain forecasts, but there is no hope of high temperatures in the northern districts.

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Western Norway will have dry and fine weather in the near future.

Meteorologist-in-charge Espan Biseth Granan told VG earlier on Saturday that the good weather in southern Norway is being “managed” by high pressure over Iceland.

Forest fire risk

In Oslo it will be fine for a long time, but there may be some localized showers next weekend.

There may also be some small drops in western Norway next week.

At the same time, there is a high risk of wildfires in eastern Norway and Aktor.

– When it has been dry for so long and there is little rain, it is not favorable in that respect. Although many people love the sun and heat, it has some drawbacks. If it goes on for long, it can have consequences and there have already been several forest fires, says Biseth Kiran.

Clouds and precipitation in northern Norway

No one in Trøndelag, Nordland or Troms and Finnmark needs to think about forest fire risk now.

A stable high pressure over Iceland pushes low pressure north.

– Clouds and precipitation apply to Trøndelag and northwards. Temperatures will also be different then, says meteorologist Biseth Granan.

Tromsø has been wet for a long time. It never rained from January to May like this year and June started with snow.

The weather in Finland is similar: gray and wet.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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