The film is already receiving rave reviews. BBC He gave it the highest score, and one NRK Birger Vestmo movie reviewer gave it one Five are good.
Set in Norwegian as ‘Red’, Turning Red is about thirteen-year-old Mei who is halfway through her middle school life. Suddenly one day she started turning into a red panda – every time she was hormonal. The movie is a metaphor for adulthood.
It should show how normal it is for a woman to wake up one day and begin to see the changes in her body.
Menstruation was something that couldn’t be talked about
Zohal Karimi, Lynne Barbro Corsan, Maren Gellhof Norheim.
Photo: private
17-year-old Lynn Barbro Corsan and Zohal Karimi think it’s a good idea for Disney-owned Pixar to take up the issue. They experience that the menstrual cycle is still a shame and they think it is important to start normalizing the menstrual cycle. At school, they started the “Code red” business where they make dispensers of tampons and pads, precisely because they feel they are missing.
– When we learned about menstruation at school, we were put in a small room with a nurse with only the girls in the class. Lynne Barbro Corsan says there was always something that couldn’t be talked about out loud.
It is important to include the boys
– It’s important to include the boys as well. Lynn Barbro Corsan, 17, says that menstruation is something boys also have to deal with, even if they don’t have menstruation.
They think that when the topic is introduced in a Pixar movie, which is also a bit funny, it will lead to it becoming a common thing to talk about.
It’s the perfect way to weave the reality of menstruation into a fun and educational way for all ages and genders, says Zuhal Karimi.
NRK movie reviewer Berger Vestmo says that Pixar has also previously shown its ability to create great entertainment based on different issues of being human.
Photo: Pixar/Disney
Need to talk more about menstruation
“It’s All About the Man” by Seligy Sirenci Wenge.
Photo: Kaplin Dam
They are supported by TikTok author and influencer Silje Sirnes Winje. You just published All About Menstruation, and you also see the importance of more information and openness. Because by working on the book, she has seen that there are still many shames and taboos about menstruation.
– What I discovered in my research is that there is a huge knowledge gap. We know very little about our bodies and our health. I hope that adults and children will start reading, talking more about the topic, and learning more, she says.
On average, a woman menstruates 450 times during her life, which is about 2,250 bleeding days. Wenjie believes that it is important to normalize the menstrual cycle through film, television, literature and other fields
We simply have to start talking a lot about menstruation.
Writer and journalist Silje Sirnes Winje believes it’s important to focus on your period.
Photo: So Aarebrot / Cappelen Damm
The key to their success
Director Dom Shi and producer Lindsey Collins have conscious He wanted to make a film about this difficult period in life.
The fact that another depiction of growth does not surprise film critics at NRK Birger Vestmo.
Pixar has also previously demonstrated its ability to create great entertainment based on various human issues.
– In their first film, “Toy Story,” separation, belonging and fear of the future were important themes, which are further elaborated in the three sequels.
Click on the image from TOY STORY 4.
Photo: Pixar / Pixar
Moreover, he mentions the “soul” that appeared in the year 2021. He explored the meaning of life and how we should spend the time we spend on Earth.
– “Pixar” Their motto has always been ‘The story is king’, and it has been shown time and time again that they can make films that are fun, engaging and impactful, working at different levels for both children and adults, while asking big questions. Which concerns us all.
– Perhaps this has been one of the keys to their success for nearly 30 years, says Vestmo.
Burger Festmo – Police movie.
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