It may be the coldest January day in Oslo since 1979

It may be the coldest January day in Oslo since 1979

Minus 24 was recorded in Oslo on Thursday 4 January, but to put it bluntly, it was minus 40 in Finnmarksvidda and less than 30 degrees Celsius in the interior of eastern Norway.

– The last time it was this cold in Oslo was January 1, 1979. Then 24.4 minus degrees were measured in Blindern, meteorologist Elin Lundstad tells NTB.

Lundstad, who will keep a climate watch in space for Christmas, says it's not often that graduations go this low in Oslo.

– Since 1900, there have been 12-15 coldest early Januarys in Oslo. In January 1942, minus 26 was the coldest temperature ever recorded in Oslo. 1940 followed by 1979 in second place.

The climate scientist's call is clear:

– Do not throw away warm jackets, hang them in the closet. We are Norwegians and we have to manage this.

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It is very cold in Finnmarksvita

Where has the coldest weather been recorded? State meteorologist Marek Ratajczak has responded.

– In the first round, there will be Finnmarksvita at the beginning of the week. The coming Siberian cold will hit northern Norway first. Later in the week, it will move further south into the country. The valley areas in the north of eastern Norway generally receive lower temperatures. It seems reasonable that they will get below minus 30 in Tynset, Foldal and Røros, he says.

The coldest record in Norway was recorded in 1886 in Finnmarksvita with minus 51.4 degrees. The meteorologist doubts it will be this cold now.

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Back to the big weather map and New Year's Eve page. Is there any place without clouds?

– Around Nordmøre and north to western Finnmark, there is likely to be less cloud, but strong winds in Trøndelag, at least strong gusts, small storms in exposed areas.

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High winds are also likely in northern Norway.

Cloudy and snowy

– Eastern Norway and Aktor will have snow, so it will be completely cloudy. In western Norway, the weather will be sheltered and cloudy, so there is a chance to see fireworks. Rogaland can experience fair winds, strong tornadoes and even minor storms.

After foggy weather in southern Norway, the cold is creeping in, with up to half a meter forecast in some places.

– The temperature will gradually drop as the snow continues. Then the cold will come in full swing, and there will be snow for a while, says state meteorologist Ratajczak.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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