It stops charging

It stops charging

There are many tips on how to charge your mobile phone to extend battery life.

Among other things, experts say that you should keep the charge level between 20 and 80 percent, and never fully discharge or fully charge it. Charging above or below this limit puts increased stress on the battery. Therefore, you should also not leave the phone plugged in for longer than necessary.

Apple warns

Apple warns

Fortunately, modern smartphones have functions that can take care of this for you.

On the iPhone, for example, there’s Optimized Battery Charging, which uses machine learning to optimize battery life and doesn’t charge more than 80 percent “until you need it,” that is, before you would normally unplug the phone.

Offers a shipping limit

With the launch of the iPhone 15, Apple is introducing a new setting that completely limits charging above 80 percent, the site writes. MacRumors.

If you have a new iPhone, you’ll receive a notification about the new charging setting the first time you charge your phone. Then you can go to Settings > Battery > Battery health & charging > Optimize charging. Here you will find three options:

  • Optimized battery charging
  • Limit 80%
  • no

More charging information: On iPhone 15 models, you can also go to Settings > General > About and see how many times you’ve charged your phone. Screenshot: Kirsti Ostvang
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It is not known if the new charging setting will come to older iPhone models. in Discussion forum As for MacRumors, it is to be expected whether it will be available to everyone in the upcoming iOS 17 update.

Charge on the go: With a few simple actions, you can charge your mobile phone a little faster in the car. Video: Lynn Meriti Rognow.
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What about Android?

Android users can also enable a feature that optimizes battery. Samsung’s Galaxy models have an option that limits the maximum charge to 85 percent.

How to activate it:

  • To open Settings
  • He chooses Battery and device maintenance And then battery
  • Scroll down and select More battery settings
  • Here you will find an option called Battery protectionWhich you can activate
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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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