Klæbo hasn’t spoken to Bolshunov since winter – VG

Klæbo hasn’t spoken to Bolshunov since winter – VG
Dramatic: The history of Norwegian skiing is long, but few moments have contained more drama than the five-mile World Cup race last winter. Call Johannes Husfluth Klapow and Alexander Bolshunov. Emil Iversen took the gold medal.

LAVAZÈ (VG) Johannes Høsflot Klæbo (24) and Alexandr Bolshunov (24) have had little to no dialogue since the World Cup drama Five Miles Away. Klæbo is keen to keep a close eye on the plan to beat the opponent in the winter.


– I don’t just walk around and think a lot about Bolshunov, but there are many who train hard and want to run fast on skates. I do the same, says Klæbo to VG 1800 meters above sea level in the Italian mountains.

He is preparing for the Olympic season and new tough matches against his Norwegian teammates, not least Russian Alexander Bolshunov. Klæbo and Bolshunov have had many duels in recent seasons, culminating last winter.

At the five-mile World Cup, the two 24-year-olds were quick to connect with Klæbo The disc was gold, while Bolshunov was not asked what he was good at. Emil Iversen finished with the gold medal. Klæbo is now looking to new settlements.

– Upcoming duels are insanely fun. The funniest ski slopes are the densest and the most duels. When they go in your favor, he The The funniest thing out there. Klæbo says, I hope more of them will come.

– Have you had any contact with Bolshunov since winter?

– No, nothing really. I didn’t hear him or talk to him about anything at all. I see him on the starting line in Roca again, Klæbo answered and smiled.

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Several times before, the duo expressed their admiration for each other on the ski track.

Before the disc: Here went Klæbo – who was the world champion at the time – comforting Bolshunov. Subsequently, Klæbo was disposed of by gold.

Are you following something specific about what he’s doing or is it the wrong focus?

He should be able to keep up with his things, and I’m in mine. Then I will be careful about what I say about my training. He should be allowed to do the same. I don’t want to go out and tell how to beat him, we have to wait and see.

BLID: Johannes Hosfluth Klæbo was in a good mood during the press conference in Italy.

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Klæbo and Bolshunov went to the World Cup in Switzerland the weekend after the World Cup, while the Russian man invited Trøndelag At his wedding in April. Klæbo never had a chance to ask.

The World Cup begins in Ruka, Finland on November 27. The Beijing Olympics start on February 4.

Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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