Kristiansand Municipality – Congratulations on this day to Roma and the Roma people!

Kristiansand Municipality – Congratulations on this day to Roma and the Roma people!

Photo: Kristiansand municipality

Today we declare a tribute to the cultures, languages ​​and traditions of the Roma and the Roma people. We must not forget or hide the terrible injustice we inflicted on the Norwegian and Gypsies before and after the Second World War. This is a symbolic and visual sign, to show that we want to make a moral compromise with history. Kristiansand should be a municipality where Roma and Gypsies feel accepted, valued and included on an equal basis with other residents. Together we create a better community for everyone, says Mayor Jean-Odvar Skisland.

proud actor

Austin will fly the flag today as a representative of the Roma people. Active for several years in both Romanifolkets Landsforening (RFL) And National Organization of the Roma People (LOR).

– It is a great honor to raise our flag at City Hall for the first time. I hope the celebration will be a gateway to greater understanding, awareness and knowledge of our national minorities. Today we will gather to celebrate the space and the strong unity of the Romani people, says Austin Hatliback.

Romanian Language Teaching .PNG

Øistein Hatlebakk raised the flag, here with Hanne Kro Sørborg, who works through inclusion, equality and diversity in the municipality of Kristiansand.

on the occasion of mestizo

National Day is also celebrated in Mestizo today from 3pm, organized by Chambers Solidarity, and open to all interested parties. Appeals and solidarity dinners should be held. The event can be found here.

Tavel Batalo to Maru DJ!

Tavel Baxtalo to Dj Maru!

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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