Lack of approval: The Strömstad ferry must depart from Larvik

Lack of approval: The Strömstad ferry must depart from Larvik

The Norwegian Coastal Administration rejected Sandefjord Havn's application for additional approval as an international port in accordance with current regulations.

The current approval already expires at midnight on Saturday, so Color Line writes that it will have to temporarily move its daily ferries from Sandefjord to the port of Larvik from Saturday. Sandefjords Blad.

Sandefjord Municipality He writes that the reason for the non-renewal of approval is that the Coastal Administration believes that security at the terminal does not meet the requirements of international regulations for the security of port facilities and ships. Something they don't agree on.

– We believe that the improvements made in recent days should have been taken into account in the implementation of our latest application. As far as we know, this has not been done. That's why we're going to appeal against the refusal, says Cindre Veren Rorby, municipal manager for environment and planning matters, in a press release.

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Color Line says passengers continue to be contacted about the changed ferries, which will apply until Sandefjord Havn regains accreditation for its international operations.

– Color Line apologizes to its customers for the incident and is now doing everything in the shipping company's power to temporarily suspend traffic to and from Strømstad via Larvik Havn, the company writes. Press release.

Municipal manager Rørby hopes the port will reopen by the end of the week.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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