Launching the ChatGPT service for students and employees

Launching the ChatGPT service for students and employees

artificial intelligence

With GPT UiO, the University of Oslo can offer the first GPT-based service in Norway that is legal for use in the education sector.

It’s a lot of fun to develop something new. The team that developed GPT UiO is (from left): Pål Fugelli, Dagfinn Bergsager, Katrine Nordeide Kuiper, Lars Lauvstad Sættem, and Tor Magne Kippersund. Front: Huynh Ngoc Nguyen, Hermine de Caspari Poppe and Magnus Alderslist Nygaard.

– Many in the sector said that they would work to develop such a service. We have done that now and say everyone can buy it from us. We have already received inquiries from universities, colleges and high schools, Dagvin Bergsager tells Chrono.

He is Head of Web Development in the Department of Information Technology at the University of Oslo.

Stored locally

A group of employees stood by and were able to cheer when the result was announced UiO website Before the weekend. Interest is already high and 2,000 users at the university have used the service so far. During Monday alone, there were 500 new users, Bergsager says.

Thus GPT UiO was developed by the University of Oslo. The service allows employees and students at the university to use Open AI’s Chat GPT within the requirements set by UiO and legislation relating to privacy and security. You are free to use the service for both studies and research. Users log in using Feide (a national solution for secure login and data sharing in education and research), which helps protect privacy.

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Privacy is ensured by storing data locally on UiO servers in Blindern, Bergsager says. The data is also not used to train the models further.

-We take care of the data according to Norwegian law, but we don’t know who said what.

IT Director Gard Olav Sundby Thomassen says UiO believes they have not seen another solution today that meets the requirements they believe are correct.

– Be decisive

The names of those using the service will not be revealed, and the service is only integrated with servers in Europe. You can save the “conversations” you have with GPT UiO yourself, so you can, for example, download the data and share it with students and colleagues, as stated in UiO website.

In the information sent on the UiO website, there is a warning: remember to be critical of the answers you receive. Users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with university guidelines and discussions about the use of artificial intelligence.

It is developing rapidly and updates occur regularly. GPT UiO will soon be updated with Model 4 of Open AI and plans are in place for alternative language models in the future.

-Some are very greedy

Dagfinn Bergsager is curious to know whether students will use the new UiO service, or whether they think it’s safe to use the free version of Open AI. He says they are not allowed to use the data illegally, or detect potential fraud, for that matter.

Thus, other universities and colleges have already expressed interest in the new service.

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– Many in the sector said that they would work to develop such a service. Now we’ve done it. We say that anyone in the sector can buy it from us. The first is BI Business School, which is a pilot program. This really attracts people, Bergsager says.

– Now we will see who comes after BI. There are people waiting in line who are very excited.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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