Leader: – Promises of execution and amputation

Leader: – Promises of execution and amputation

The Taliban will again carry out executions and amputations – but perhaps not in public.

She says one of the Taliban’s founders, Mullah Nur al-Din al-Turabi, who last ruled the Taliban, was known to enforce the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islamic law.

After the Taliban captured Kabul on August 15 and took control of the country, Afghans and the rest of the world were watching closely whether the Taliban would this time re-impose their strict rule, as happened in the late 1990s. Writes independent.

– Will follow Islam

Statements by al-Turabi, who previously served as Minister of Justice and head of the country’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, suggest that the group’s leaders remain rooted in an ultra-conservative and hard-line worldview.

In an interview with the news agency AP It warns the world against disrupting Afghanistan’s new leaders, and refuses to oppose previous public executions carried out by the Taliban in front of large crowds.

Nobody should tell us what our laws are. Al-Turabi told the news agency: We will follow Islam and we will establish our laws on the basis of the Qur’an.

The last time the Taliban ruled, other countries condemned the Taliban’s public punishment in Kabul’s sports stadium and in the grand Eid Gah mosque, which was often attended by hundreds of spectators, all Afghan men.

– Very necessary

Convicted murderers are usually executed with a bullet to the head, carried out by the victim’s family, who also had the opportunity to accept “blood money” and let the offender live.

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The penalty for theft was amputation of the hand, and the hand and foot were amputated for those convicted of theft on the highway.

The Taliban leader now tells the AP that they will reimpose the same sanctions.

Cutting off the hands is necessary for safety, he says, and he justifies this because it has a deterrent effect.

The Taliban have already reinstated the punishment they had used in the past, for publicly insulting men accused of petty theft.

On at least two occasions this week, men in Afghanistan have been tied up, put on the pallet of a truck and then moved around – to inflict mischief.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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