In 2020, news came that actress Line Verndal (51) had found love with Halvard Gopvik.
– Is there another answer other than that it was wonderful and beautiful? Djupvik said about finding love in adulthood TV 2 this time.

He reveals his “secret” girlfriend.
When the news became known, they had been dating for a year and a half, without the public knowing it.
During the preview of the TV 2 show “Føkkings Fladseth”, Ferndal lifts the veil from his girlfriend.
– It’s no longer a secret, but we’re still lovers. Things are going well between us.

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Despite the fact that the relationship is now public knowledge, Ferndale still wants to keep the relationship relatively private.
– I’m very personal, so I like to keep my cards close to my chest and have a room of my own, she explains.
Girlfriends: Line Ferndal and her boyfriend Halvard Jobvik were photographed together in 2022. Photo: Andreas Fadum/Se og Hør
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Ferndale and Djupvik first met on a blind date set up by a friend, and have now been together for five years.
In 2020, the couple also told TV 2 that they had talked about becoming cohabitants.

– Come together as lovers
– It is of course a natural place for it to end, but perhaps nothing will happen immediately, Djupvik told the site at the time.
Ferndal now reveals to Se og Hør that it has not happened yet.
– We haven’t moved in together yet, because we have children on either side of us, she explains.
Ferndale has a daughter Hailey from her relationship with actor Torgeir Reiten (46). She had also previously been with Swedish director Emil Gunsvik (44 years old), but their luck ended in 2013.

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The actor is perhaps best known to many from his role in the popular NRK series “Himmelblå” which ran on Norwegian television screens from 2008 to 2010, but since then he has appeared in many major films and series.
On the other hand, Djupvik was previously seen in the TV series “Caesar’s Hotel”. In 2020 he wrote Daily newspaper He works as a lawyer and real estate broker.
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