In June, reality couple Lisa, 34, and Henrik Borg, 30, revealed the happy news that they were going to be parents for the first time. The couple did so in a tearful YouTube video.

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However, the happiness was short-lived, as the couple were able to reveal that they had lost the baby after six weeks of pregnancy.
The couple had previously been open about their involuntary childlessness and their journey to having children with the help of IVF treatment. Lisa was also prepared for the possibility that the pregnancy could go wrong.
“If we have a miscarriage, and there is a high risk of it happening early in the pregnancy, we will take it then and share it with you. Because that is exactly why we do it here. We share the truth of IVF/involuntary childlessness, without shame or filtering,” she wrote in a post shared earlier this year.
In a new episode of the podcast Nemo meets a friendThe influencer talks about the time after the miscarriage.
“The miscarriage was a rollercoaster and we lost a home that we thought we would have. But I’m someone who goes through emotions very quickly. I let it all out and then came out on the other side like the sun,” she says on the podcast.
Depressing note: Lisa and Henrik Borg soon announced the loss of their child. Photo: YouTube screenshot/Lisa Borg
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Borg also lifts the veil on her husband's feelings in the wake of the tragic incident.
“It’s quite the opposite, I would almost say. But he’s fully aware of it, so we talk about it a lot,” she explains, adding:

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– He can really say, “I'm mad right now and I don't know what to do with these feelings.” He's thrown eggs at the wall and stuff. It's been very up and down with his feelings in our house. He doesn't direct them at me anymore, so it's really sweet.
It also turns out that the couple has not given up the struggle to expand the family.
The reality personalities got married in 2022 and live in Sweden.
Dagbladet has been in contact with Henrik Borg, who does not wish to comment on the matter.
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