Little transparency and regulation leaves room to buy influence

Little transparency and regulation leaves room to buy influence
Transparency: I do not agree that the agreement regulating cooperation between industry and doctors is sufficiently transparent, writes Sigbjörn Roggen. Illustrative image: Getty Images

I think that the collaboration between LMI and doctors is not transparent enough since there is no independent third party that verifies the validity of all the fees mentioned.

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Sigbjorn Rügen

Collaboration between industry and doctors is transparent and strictly regulated, said the Director of the Pharmaceutical Industry (LMI) on 20/06/24 in Dagens Medisin. I disagree.

On 06/04/20, the Doctors Syndicate and LMI signed a cooperation agreement aiming to: All information regarding transfers from industry to doctors must be published. One goal was that the agreement should help remove doubts about doctors receiving fees from industry. So, as I understand it, transparency and regulation show that LMI is not buying influence from doctors.

Cooperation agreement It is enforced by the Medical Association and the LMI Council for Medicinal Products Information. The council includes six members. The Chairperson of the Council must have a legal civil service examination or a Master of Jurisprudence degree, and not be affiliated with or hold a position of trust with the LMI, the Medical Association or one of the LMI member companies. The other five members will be selected so that the Board collectively has extensive experience and expertise in medical products and medical information. The Chairman of the Council is appointed by the Boards of Directors of LMI and the Medical Association together. Two members are appointed by the Board of Directors of the LMI alone, two members are appointed by the Board of Directors of the Medical Association alone, and one member is appointed by the Boards of Directors of LMI and the Medical Association together on the proposal of the Joint Assembly of the Medical Association. helpless.

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I think that the collaboration between LMI and doctors is not transparent enough since there is no independent third party that verifies the validity of all the fees mentioned. And that cooperation is not regulated strictly enough either, since the parties themselves implement the agreement. I mean for that The cooperation agreement does not represent progress While improving transparency and regulation.

Conflict of interest: The author of the article suffers from multiple sclerosis and had a good effect from chemotherapy with stem cell support in 2015

The industry paid several hundred million kroner to healthcare workers and institutions

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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